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New Sweden

  • 1 New Sweden

    Колониальное владение Швеции в Северной Америке, на месте современных штатов Делавэр, Нью-Джерси и Пенсильвания. В 1633 при поддержке финансовых кругов Швеции и Голландии была создана Компания Новой Швеции [New Sweden Company]. В 1638 первая экспедиция компании во главе с П. Минуитом [ Minuit, Peter] основала поселение Форт-Кристина [Fort Christina] в долине реки Делавэр [ Delaware River], на месте современного г. Уилмингтона, названное в честь шведской королевы. Впоследствии колония стала управляться исключительно шведами, и долгое время конфликтовала с соседними голландскими поселениями. В 1655 Новая Швеция была завоевана голландцами во главе с П. Стайвесантом [ Stuyvesant, Peter] и вошла в состав Новых Нидерландов [ New Netherland].
    тж Colony of New Sweden

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > New Sweden

  • 2 New Jersey

    Штат на востоке США в группе Среднеатлантических штатов [ Middle Atlantic States]. Расположен на полуострове между реками Делавэр [ Delaware River] и Хадсон [ Hudson River]. Граничит со штатом Нью-Йорк [ New York] на севере и востоке, с Пенсильванией [ Pennsylvania] и Делавэром [ Delaware] на западе. Имеет выход к Атлантическому океану. Площадь - 22,5 тыс. кв. км. Население 8,4 млн. человек (2000); является штатом с самой высокой плотностью населения в стране и занимает девятое место среди штатов по численности населения. Столица г. Трентон [ Trenton]. Наиболее крупные города: Ньюарк [ Newark], Джерси-Сити [ Jersey City], Патерсон [ Paterson] и Элизабет [ Elizabeth]. Один из первых 13 штатов [ Thirteen Colonies]. Ландшафт штата при его небольшой территории отличается разнообразием. Южная часть расположена на заболоченной Приатлантической низменности [Atlantic Coastal Plain], на севере предгорья Аппалачей [ Appalachian Mountains; Appalachian Highlands] (горы Киттатинни [Kittatinny Mountains]) и плато Пидмонт [ Piedmont Plateau] высотой 150-250 м, много небольших озер. На северо-востоке примыкает к р. Хадсон. Побережье окаймлено полосой песчаных кос, островов и отмелей. Умеренный морской климат. Первые следы деятельности человека на территории штата относятся к XI в. до н.э. Ко времени прибытия европейцев здесь жили племена делаваров [ Delaware]. После экспедиций Дж. Кабота [ Cabot, John], Г. Хадсона [ Hudson, Henry], Дж. да Верразано [ Verrazano, Giovanni da] и др. этот район объявляли своей территорией англичане, французы, голландцы (1524-1623). Будущий штат входил в состав Новых Нидерландов [ New Netherland] и Новой Швеции [ New Sweden]. В 1660 по приказу П. Стайвесанта [ Stuyvesant, Peter] была построена укрепленная деревня Берген [Bergen] (ныне Джерси-Сити) - первое постоянное поселение. Нью-Джерси перешел в руки англичан и оставался (кроме 1673) их владением вплоть до начала Войны за независимость [ Revolutionary War]. В 1676 колония была разделена между владельцами земель [Proprietors] на две части - Западный Нью-Джерси [West New Jersey] и Восточный Нью-Джерси [East New Jersey]. Западная часть была вскоре куплена группой У. Пенна [ Penn, William, Jr.] и стала прибежищем для преследуемых в Англии квакеров [ Quakers], на востоке поселились многие выходцы из Новой Англии [ New England]. С самого начала Нью-Джерси был весьма пестрым в этническом отношении. В 1702 создана единая королевская колония Нью-Джерси. Раннее промышленное развитие было связано с производством железа и стекла из местного сырья. Важную роль играла коммерция, а дороги считались лучшими в колониях, что во многом связано с местоположением штата между Нью-Йорком и Филадельфией и между северными и южными колониями. Штат серьезно пострадал в период Войны за независимость, будучи местом около 100 сражений, в том числе под Трентоном и Монмутом [ Trenton, Battle of; Monmouth, Battle of] и получил прозвище Арена Революции ["Cockpit of the Revolution"]. В 1783 центром района был объявлен Принстон [ Princeton]. В 1787 Нью-Джерси стал третьим по счету штатом США. Экономика штата получила новый толчок к развитию во время англо-американской войны 1812-14 [ War of 1812]. После войны значительно увеличился поток иммигрантов из Европы. Во время Гражданской войны [ Civil War] политические симпатии жителей штата разделились: избиратели не поддержали переизбрание А. Линкольна [ Lincoln, Abraham] на второй срок (1864). В XIX в. началась бурная индустриализация, усилившаяся в следующем столетии. Штат отличается высокоразвитой диверсифицированной промышленностью, близок к крупным рынкам сбыта и сам является таковым. Налоговая система штата способствует развитию индустрии. Важнейшие виды промышленной продукции: химикаты, электроника, машиностроение, медицинское оборудование и инструменты, пищевые продукты, прокат черных и цветных металлов, нефтепродукты. Важный фактор индустриального развития - научные исследования, прежде всего в области телекоммуникаций и фармацевтики. Штат имеет давние традиции изобретательства - здесь работали Дж. Стивенс [ Stevens, John], Т. Эдисон [ Edison, Thomas Alva], изобретен транзистор (1948) и создан спутник связи (1962). Основные сельскохозяйственные культуры: фрукты, овощи, сеяные травы и соя, развито молочное животноводство, птицеводство, ловля рыбы и добыча продуктов моря. Важную роль играет туризм; курорты - основной источник доходов в Нью-Джерси. Высоко развит и разнообразен транспорт. Одна из наиболее серьезных проблем штата - состояние окружающей среды (в 1988 знаменитые пляжи [ New Jersey shore] были признаны опасными для жизни и на несколько лет закрыты). Ныне здесь введены жесткие нормы ее охраны. Проблемы перенаселенности также занимают политиков и рядовых граждан; штат оказывает финансовую помощь фермерам, пытаясь приостановить расширение жилищного строительства в сельскохозяйственного районах, которые ныне составляют около 2/3 его территории. Ни одна из основных политических партий не имеет в штате заметного преимущества на выборах.

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > New Jersey

  • 3 Pennsylvania

    Официальное название - Содружество Пенсильвания [Commonwealth of Pennsylvania]. Штат на северо-востоке США, в группе Среднеатлантических штатов [ Middle Atlantic States]. На севере граничит со штатом Нью-Йорк [ New York], на северо-западе имеет выход к озеру Эри [ Erie, Lake], на востоке граничит со штатом Нью-Джерси [ New Jersey], на юге - со штатами Делавэр [ Delaware] и Мэриленд [ Maryland], на юге и западе с Западной Вирджинией [ West Virginia], на западе - с Огайо [ Ohio]. Южная граница проходит по т.н. линии Мэйсона-Диксона [ Mason-Dixon Line]. Площадь 117,3 тыс. кв. км. Население 12,2 млн. человек (2000) (шестое место среди штатов). Столица Гаррисберг [ Harrisburg]. Крупнейшие города: Филадельфия [ Philadelphia], Питсбург [ Pittsburgh], Эри [ Erie], Аллентаун [ Allentown]. В рельефе присутствуют практически все черты, характерные для востока страны. Большая часть Пенсильвании расположена в районе Аппалачских гор [ Appalachian Mountains] (высшая точка гора Маунт-Дэвис [ Davis, Mount], 980 м), состоящих из нескольких хребтов, разделенных продольными долинами. На западе они переходят в Аппалачское плато [ Appalachian Plateau], на крайнем юго-востоке штата расположена узкая полоса Приатлантической низменности [Atlantic Coastal Plain] вдоль р. Делавэр [ Delaware River]. Юго-восточную часть штата занимает холмистое плато Пидмонт [ Piedmont Plateau], западнее - Голубые горы [ Blue Mountains] и Линия водопадов [ Fall Line]. Реки многоводные, преимущественно быстрые, порожистые, особенно на плато Пидмонт. Наиболее крупные из них судоходны: Саскуэханна [ Susquehanna River], Огайо [ Ohio River] с ее истоками Аллегейни [ Allegheny River] и Мононгахила [ Monongahela River]. Много озер. Более 60 процентов территории покрыто лесами. Штат обладает крупными запасами угля, является крупнейшим производителем антрацита. На северо-западе есть запасы нефти и природного газа. На основной части территории штата континентальный влажный климат. На юго-востоке долгое, жаркое лето, мягкая зима; на Аппалачском плато более долгая зима и короткое лето. До появления поселенцев на территории будущего штата жили племена делаваров [ Delaware], шауни [ Shawnee] и саскуэханна [Susquehanna], племена из Ирокезской лиги [ Iroquois League] и др. В XVII в. о своих правах на эти земли заявляли Голландия, Швеция, Англия. В 1614 голландцы исследовали долину р. Делавэр. В 1643 шведы создали первые постоянные поселения на о. Тиникум [Tinicum Island] и Новый Готтенбург [New Gottenburg] в окрестностях современного г. Честера [ Chester]. В 1655 Новая Швеция [ New Sweden] была завоевана голландцами во главе с П. Стайвесантом [ Stuyvesant, Peter] и вошла в состав Новых Нидерландов [ New Netherland], но в 1664 англичане, в свою очередь, взяли под контроль эту голландскую колонию. В 1681 квакер [ Quakers] У. Пенн [ Penn, William, Jr.] получил в дар от английского короля Карла II территорию, известную под названием "Пенсильванское провидение" [Providence of Pennsylvania]. Колония была названа Пенсильванией в честь отца У. Пенна, адмирала Уильяма Пенна. Первое английское поселение Филадельфия было основано здесь в 1682, вскоре она стала столицей колонии и одним из крупнейших городов в Новом Свете. Пенн-младший задумал создать образцовое общество, основанное на демократических принципах, и назвал его "Священный эксперимент" [ Holy Experiment]. По "Великому закону Пенсильвании" ["The Great Law of Pennsylvania"] - конституции, было создано представительное собрание, провозглашались право каждого на жизнь и свободу и полная веротерпимость; смертная казнь предусматривалась только за убийство и предательство, был введен суд присяжных, участие в выборах ограничивалось незначительным имущественным цензом. Пенн и его последователи заключили соглашения о дружбе с индейцами, что обеспечило достаточно длительный (около 70 лет) период стабильных отношений между поселенцами и местными племенами. В Пенсильванию, кроме квакеров, стали переселяться французские протестанты, шотландцы, немцы [ Pennsylvania Dutch]. К 1750 из-за интенсивного заселения земель начались конфликты с индейцами, со временем приведшие к их вытеснению или уничтожению. Поток английских переселенцев и торговцев в западную Пенсильванию хлынул в середине XVIII в. Французы построили цепь фортов от оз. Эри до устья р. Огайо. В 1754-63 Пенсильвания стала ареной войн с французами и индейцами [ French and Indian wars]. После взятия французского форта Дюкен [ Fort Duquesne] (1758) в 1759-61 на месте современного г. Питсбурга под руководством генерала Дж. Форбса [ Forbes, John] был построен форт Питт [ Fort Pitt], ставший важным форпостом повстанцев в период Войны за независимость [ Revolutionary War]. В 1763 произошло крупное восстание индейцев под предводительством Понтиака [ Pontiac's Conspiracy]. Пенсильвания сыграла существенную роль в борьбе за независимость. Пенсильванцы участвовали во многих битвах в других колониях, в том числе в осаде Бостона (1775), создали собственный флот. На территории будущего штата произошли битвы за форт Миффлин [Fort Mifflin, Battle of], Джермантаун [ Germantown, Battle of] и сражение на ручье Брэндивайн [ Brandywine, Battle of the]. В 1777-78 Дж. Вашингтон [ Washington, George] зимовал со своей армией в Вэлли-Фордж [ Valley Forge] в 40 км западнее Филадельфии. Сам город был центром политической активности в колониях. В июле 1774 здесь проходили выборы делегатов на первый Континентальный конгресс [First Continental Congress; Continental Congresses], который также был проведен в Филадельфии. В 1776 на втором Континентальном конгрессе [Second Continental Congress] была подписана Декларация независимости [ Declaration of Independence]. В 1787 делегаты Конституционного конвента [ Constitutional Convention] в Филадельфии составили проект Конституции США [ Constitution, U.S.]. 12 декабря 1787 Пенсильвания стала вторым по счету штатом США. В 1790-1800 Филадельфия была столицей молодого государства. В 1794 и 1799 штат стал местом первых фермерских восстаний [ Whiskey Rebellion; Fries Rebellion]. Современные границы Пенсильвании возникли в 1792, когда в ее состав была включена территория на северо-западе, известная как "Треугольник Эри" ["Erie Triangle"], что расширило ее выход к побережью этого озера. В 1799 столицей штата стал г. Ланкастер [ Lancaster], а в 1812 она была перенесена в Гаррисберг. Важную роль Пенсильвания сыграла в Гражданской войне [ Civil War], что определялось многими факторами, в том числе аболиционистскими [ abolition] взглядами квакеров, крупными материальными и людскими ресурсами штата и его географическим положением. Основные дороги с Юга [ South] проходили через Гаррисберг, Филадельфию и Питсбург, поэтому, чтобы получить контроль над ними, армия конфедератов Северной Вирджинии [ Army of Northern Virginia] вторглась в Пенсильванию в 1863. Геттисбергское сражение [ Gettysburg, Battle of] (1863) на территории штата стало одним из самых значительных и кровопролитных за время войны. Около трети участников сражения со стороны Армии Союза [ Union Army] были пенсильванцами. В 1873 была принята ныне действующая конституция штата [ state constitution]. Верховный суд штата - один из старейших в стране (создан в 1722). Штат, жители которого поддерживали демократов в 1800-60, после войны стал одним из оплотов Республиканской партии [ Republican Party]. В 1859 у г. Титусвилла [Titusville] начала действовать одна из первых в мире нефтяных скважин. После войны в штате стала интенсивно развиваться промышленность, особенно сталелитейная. В 1867 был впервые использован бессемеровский процесс производства стали. К 1870 крупнейшим индустриальным центром стал г. Питсбург, где производилось до двух третей всей стали США. К концу XIX в. сложилась крупнейшая сталелитейная империя Э. Карнеги [ Carnegie, Andrew], которая после продажи Дж. П. Моргану [ Morgan, John Pierpont] (1901) стала основой корпорации "Юнайтед Стейтс стил" [ United States Steel Corp.]. В штате создана многоотраслевая экономика, в которой важнейшее место принадлежит промышленному производству, сконцентрированному прежде всего в Филадельфии и Питсбурге. По числу занятых в промышленности штат уступает только Калифорнии и Нью-Йорку. Ведущие отрасли - сталелитейная, черная металлургия, транспортное машиностроение, производство металлоизделий, промышленного оборудования, электронных компонентов, инструментов, приборов, химикатов, стройматериалов, изделий из пластмасс, продуктов питания, одежды; развиты полиграфия и энергетика, в том числе ядерная. Географическое положение и высокоразвитая сеть дорог делают штат "воротами" Среднего Запада [ Midwest] и Юга [ South]. Высоко развито сельское хозяйство: Пенсильвания лидирует в производстве молока и молочных продуктов, бройлеров, яиц, яблок, шампиньонов. Основные посевные культуры - кукуруза, сеяные травы, соя, пшеница. Один из наиболее доходных секторов экономики - туризм. В целом, бурный рост экономического развития прерывался только во время разрушительного Джонстаунского наводнения [ Johnstown flood] в 1899 и в период Великой депрессии [ Great Depression] 1930-х. В годы второй мировой войны штат играл важную роль в военном производстве. Ныне Пенсильвания продолжает оставаться лидером в области сталелитейной промышленности и добычи угля. В конце XIX - начале XX в. в политической жизни штата господствовали республиканские боссы [ bossism]. Конец этой эпохи наступил с кончиной Б. Пенроуза [ Penrose, Boies] в 1921. В последние годы ни одна из основных партий не имеет постоянного превосходства на выборах различного уровня. По мере промышленного роста росло и рабочее движение, создавались профсоюзы. Штат стал местом крупных забастовок железнодорожников - в Питсбурге (1877), сталелитейщиков [ Homestead Steel Strike] (1892), горняков [ Anthracite Strike of 1902] (1902). В Пенсильвании берет начало АФТ-КПП [ AFL-CIO].

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Pennsylvania

  • 4 Minuit, Peter

    (1580?-1638) Минуит (Минневит), Петер
    Голландец, основатель города Новый Амстердам [ New Amsterdam]. В 1626 купил у индейцев-алгонкинов остров Манхэттен [ Manhattan] за 24 доллара, построил форт Амстердам, а остров переименовал в Новую Голландию [ New Netherland]. В марте 1638, находясь на службе у королевы Швеции Кристины, совершил еще одну поездку в Новый Свет. Купил у индейцев землю в Делавэре и основал форт Кристина [Fort Christina], ныне г. Уилмингтон, объявив его столицей Новой Швеции [ New Sweden]
    тж Minnewit, Peter

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Minuit, Peter

  • 5 Delaware

    I 1.
    1) делавары, (ленни-)ленапы
    Группа индейских племен долины р. Делавэр [ Delaware River] и соседних территорий, в 1600 насчитывала 8-10 тыс. человек. В 1990 в США было 9,3 тыс. человек, из них в Оклахоме - 2,9 тыс. (зарегистрированные делавары [Registered Delaware] - основная часть племени, живущая на северо-востоке штата среди чероки [ Cherokee], переселившаяся сюда в 1867 из Канзаса; делавары западной Оклахомы [Delaware Indian Tribe of Western Oklahoma] - около 0,5 тыс. человек, объединены с племенами кэддо [ Caddo] и вичита [ Wichita], вместе с которыми они поселились на р. Уошито [ Washita River] в 1859 и ныне владеют там 257 кв. км земли; отделившиеся делавары [Absentee Delaware]); в Висконсине [ Munsee], в Нью-Джерси - 1,35 тыс. человек на северо-востоке штата; и около 1 тыс. человек в Канаде
    Относится к алгонкинской группе [ Algonquian].
    Штат в группе Южно-Атлантических штатов [ South Atlantic States]. Площадь - 5,3 тыс. кв. км. Население - 783,6 тыс. человек (2000). Столица - Довер [ Dover]. Крупнейшие города - Уилмингтон [ Wilmington], Ньюарк [ Newark], Милфорд [Milford]. Расположен на северо-востоке полуострова Делмарва [ Delmarva Peninsula], граничит с Мэрилендом [ Maryland] на юге и западе, с Пенсильванией [ Pennsylvania] на севере. Большая часть штата находится на Приатлантической низменности [Coastal plain]. На северо-западе - холмистая местность Пидмонт [Piedmont]. Главная река - Делавэр [ Delaware River], протекающая вдоль восточной границы штата, в котором имеется множество мелких речушек и озер. Теплый умеренный и влажный климат с мягкой зимой и жарким летом. Делавэр входил в число Тринадцати колоний [ Thirteen Colonies], стал первым штатом, ратифицировавшим Конституцию США [ Constitution, U.S.]. Г. Хадсон [ Hudson, Henry] под голландским флагом открыл эти земли в 1609. Капитан Сэмюэл Арголл [Argoll, Samuel] обследовал р. Делавэр в 1610 и назвал ее в честь барона де Лавэрра [ De La Warr, Thomas West, Baron], бывшего в то время губернатором Вирджинии [Royal Colony of Virginia]. Голландцы основали здесь поселение, пришедшее в упадок к 1631. Шведы основали в 1638 форт Кристина [Fort Christina] на месте современного Уилмингтона, но Новая Швеция [ New Sweden] распалась в 1655 под натиском голландцев во главе с губернатором Новых Нидерландов [ New Netherland] П. Стайвесантом [ Stuyvesant, Peter]. Англичане присвоили эти земли в 1664, и они были включены в состав Пенсильвании в 1682 как три южных округа [Three Counties]. После 1704 Делавэр обладал частичной автономией, и его граждане принимали активное участие в Американской революции [ War of Independence]. Штат процветал в первые годы независимости США. Основной отраслью промышленности была мукомольная. В 1802 Э. И. Дюпон [ Du Pont de Nemours, Eleuthere Irenee] построил у Уилмингтона пороховой завод, заложив тем самым основу будущей химической промышленности. Несмотря на то, что Делавэр в период Гражданской войны [ Civil War] оставался рабовладельческим штатом, он не вышел из Союза [ Union]. Влияние квакеров [ Quakers] способствовало освобождению многих рабов уже к 1860. Начиная с первой мировой войны, в штате шел постоянный процесс урбанизации и индустриализации - огромная роль в этом процессе принадлежала семье Дюпонов. В 70-80-е гг. XX в. начался процесс перемещения населения в пригороды [ suburb]. До 1920 сельское хозяйство доминировало в экономике штата, сегодня играет относительно второстепенную роль (бройлеры, соевые бобы, овощи, молочные продукты). Ведущую роль играет химическая промышленность. Налоги на деятельность корпораций крайне низкие [ Delaware corporation], что способствует привлечению многих фирм, зарегистрированных, но не работающих в штате.

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Delaware

  • 6 actualmente

    1 these days, nowadays.
    actualmente casi nadie viaja en burro hardly anyone travels by donkey nowadays
    2 at the (present) moment.
    su padre está actualmente en paradero desconocido his father's present whereabouts are unknown
    3 at present, at the present time, at the moment, for the time being.
    4 actually, really.
    * * *
    1 (hoy en día) nowadays, these days; (ahora) at present, at the moment
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (=en este momento) currently, at present, presently (EEUU)

    actualmente está rodando una nueva película — he's currently making a new film, he's making a new film at present

    2) (=hoy día) nowadays
    * * *

    se encuentra actualmente en Suecia — she is currently in Sweden, she is in Sweden at present

    * * *
    = at present, currently, presently, at the present.
    Ex. A number of libraries are at present involved in the conversion of their traditional card catalogues.
    Ex. Currently, online document request services are possible, but this is not usually a feature of the facilities of any but the largest co-operatives.
    Ex. The acquisitions systems is presently only available to subscribers to BOSS.
    Ex. At present, the library board consists of: a housewife, who is serving as chairwoman, a stockbroker, a retired head of the health department, an owner of a hardware store, and an attorney = En la actualidad, la comisión de biblioteca consta de un ama de casa, que actúa de presidenta, un agente de bolsa, un director del departamento de sanidad jubilado, el propietario de una ferretería y un abogado.
    * * *

    se encuentra actualmente en Suecia — she is currently in Sweden, she is in Sweden at present

    * * *
    = at present, currently, presently, at the present.

    Ex: A number of libraries are at present involved in the conversion of their traditional card catalogues.

    Ex: Currently, online document request services are possible, but this is not usually a feature of the facilities of any but the largest co-operatives.
    Ex: The acquisitions systems is presently only available to subscribers to BOSS.
    Ex: At present, the library board consists of: a housewife, who is serving as chairwoman, a stockbroker, a retired head of the health department, an owner of a hardware store, and an attorney = En la actualidad, la comisión de biblioteca consta de un ama de casa, que actúa de presidenta, un agente de bolsa, un director del departamento de sanidad jubilado, el propietario de una ferretería y un abogado.

    * * *
    antes era un lujo pero actualmente es una necesidad it used to be a luxury but nowadays it is a necessity
    se encuentra actualmente en Suecia she is currently o presently in Sweden, she is in Sweden at the moment o at present
    actualmente la situación es mucho más grave the situation today o nowadays is much more serious, the situation is now much more serious
    * * *


    actualmente adverbio ( hoy en día) nowadays;
    ( en este momento) at present;

    actualmente adverbio
    1 (en nuestros días) nowadays, these days
    2 (ahora mismo) at the moment, at present, now: actualmente vivo en Buenos Aires, I'm living in Buenos Aires (right) now ➣ Ver nota en actually

    ' actualmente' also found in these entries:
    - currently
    - going
    - have
    - now
    - nowadays
    - present
    - today
    * * *
    1. [en estos tiempos] these days, nowadays;
    actualmente casi nadie viaja en burro hardly anyone travels by donkey these days o nowadays
    2. [en este momento] at the (present) moment;
    su padre está actualmente en paradero desconocido his father's present whereabouts are unknown
    * * *
    adv at the moment
    * * *
    : at present, nowadays
    * * *
    actualmente adv at the moment

    Spanish-English dictionary > actualmente

  • 7 Telford, Thomas

    SUBJECT AREA: Canals, Civil engineering
    b. 9 August 1757 Glendinning, Dumfriesshire, Scotland
    d. 2 September 1834 London, England.
    Scottish civil engineer.
    Telford was the son of a shepherd, who died when the boy was in his first year. Brought up by his mother, Janet Jackson, he attended the parish school at Westerkirk. He was apprenticed to a stonemason in Lochmaben and to another in Langholm. In 1780 he walked from Eskdale to Edinburgh and in 1872 rode to London on a horse that he was to deliver there. He worked for Sir William Chambers as a mason on Somerset House, then on the Eskdale house of Sir James Johnstone. In 1783–4 he worked on the new Commissioner's House and other buildings at Portsmouth dockyard.
    In late 1786 Telford was appointed County Surveyor for Shropshire and moved to Shrewsbury Castle, with work initially on the new infirmary and County Gaol. He designed the church of St Mary Magdalene, Bridgnorth, and also the church at Madley. Telford built his first bridge in 1790–2 at Montford; between 1790 and 1796 he built forty-five road bridges in Shropshire, including Buildwas Bridge. In September 1793 he was appointed general agent, engineer and architect to the Ellesmere Canal, which was to connect the Mersey and Dee rivers with the Severn at Shrewsbury; William Jessop was Principal Engineer. This work included the Pont Cysyllte aqueduct, a 1,000 ft (305 m) long cast-iron trough 127 ft (39 m) above ground level, which entailed an on-site ironworks and took ten years to complete; the aqueduct is still in use today. In 1800 Telford put forward a plan for a new London Bridge with a single cast-iron arch with a span of 600 ft (183 m) but this was not built.
    In 1801 Telford was appointed engineer to the British Fisheries Society "to report on Highland Communications" in Scotland where, over the following eighteen years, 920 miles (1,480 km) of new roads were built, 280 miles (450 km) of the old military roads were realigned and rebuilt, over 1,000 bridges were constructed and much harbour work done, all under Telford's direction. A further 180 miles (290 km) of new roads were also constructed in the Lowlands of Scotland. From 1804 to 1822 he was also engaged on the construction of the Caledonian Canal: 119 miles (191 km) in all, 58 miles (93 km) being sea loch, 38 miles (61 km) being Lochs Lochy, Oich and Ness, 23 miles (37 km) having to be cut.
    In 1808 he was invited by King Gustav IV Adolf of Sweden to assist Count Baltzar von Platen in the survey and construction of a canal between the North Sea and the Baltic. Telford surveyed the 114 mile (183 km) route in six weeks; 53 miles (85 km) of new canal were to be cut. Soon after the plans for the canal were completed, the King of Sweden created him a Knight of the Order of Vasa, an honour that he would have liked to have declined. At one time some 60,000 soldiers and seamen were engaged on the work, Telford supplying supervisors, machinery—including an 8 hp steam dredger from the Donkin works and machinery for two small paddle boats—and ironwork for some of the locks. Under his direction an ironworks was set up at Motala, the foundation of an important Swedish industrial concern which is still flourishing today. The Gotha Canal was opened in September 1832.
    In 1811 Telford was asked to make recommendations for the improvement of the Shrewsbury to Holyhead section of the London-Holyhead road, and in 1815 he was asked to survey the whole route from London for a Parliamentary Committee. Construction of his new road took fifteen years, apart from the bridges at Conway and over the Menai Straits, both suspension bridges by Telford and opened in 1826. The Menai bridge had a span of 579 ft (176 m), the roadway being 153 ft (47 m) above the water level.
    In 1817 Telford was appointed Engineer to the Exchequer Loan Commission, a body set up to make capital loans for deserving projects in the hard times that followed after the peace of Waterloo. In 1820 he became the first President of the Engineers Institute, which gained its Royal Charter in 1828 to become the Institution of Civil Engineers. He was appointed Engineer to the St Katharine's Dock Company during its construction from 1825 to 1828, and was consulted on several early railway projects including the Liverpool and Manchester as well as a number of canal works in the Midlands including the new Harecastle tunnel, 3,000 ft (914 m) long.
    Telford led a largely itinerant life, living in hotels and lodgings, acquiring his own house for the first time in 1821, 24 Abingdon Street, Westminster, which was partly used as a school for young civil engineers. He died there in 1834, after suffering in his later years from the isolation of deafness. He was buried in Westminster Abbey.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    FRSE 1803. Knight of the Order of Vasa, Sweden 1808. FRS 1827. First President, Engineers Insitute 1820.
    Further Reading
    L.T.C.Rolt, 1979, Thomas Telford, London: Penguin.
    C.Hadfield, 1993, Thomas Telford's Temptation, London: M. \& M.Baldwin.

    Biographical history of technology > Telford, Thomas

  • 8 Scheutz, George

    b. 23 September 1785 Jonkoping, Sweden
    d. 27 May 1873 Stockholm, Sweden
    Swedish lawyer, journalist and self-taught engineer who, with his son Edvard Raphael Scheutz (b. 13 September 1821 Stockholm, Sweden; d. 28 January 1881 Stockholm, Sweden) constructed a version of the Babbage Difference Engine.
    After early education at the Jonkoping elementary school and the Weixo Gymnasium, George Scheutz entered the University of Lund, gaining a degree in law in 1805. Following five years' legal work, he moved to Stockholm in 1811 to work at the Supreme Court and, in 1814, as a military auditor. In 1816, he resigned, bought a printing business and became editor of a succession of industrial and technical journals, during which time he made inventions relating to the press. It was in 1830 that he learned from the Edinburgh Review of Babbage's ideas for a difference engine and started to make one from wood, pasteboard and wire. In 1837 his 15-yearold student son, Edvard Raphael Scheutz, offered to make it in metal, and by 1840 they had a working machine with two five-digit registers, which they increased the following year and then added a printer. Obtaining a government grant in 1851, by 1853 they had a fully working machine, now known as Swedish Difference Engine No. 1, which with an experienced operator could generate 120 lines of tables per hour and was used to calculate the logarithms of the numbers 1 to 10,000 in under eighty hours. This was exhibited in London and then at the Paris Great Exhibition, where it won the Gold Medal. It was subsequently sold to the Dudley Observatory in Albany, New York, for US$5,000 and is now in a Chicago museum.
    In England, the British Registrar-General, wishing to produce new tables for insurance companies, and supported by the Astronomer Royal, arranged for government finance for construction of a second machine (Swedish Difference Engine No. 2). Comprising over 1,000 working parts and weighing 1,000 lb (450 kg), this machine was used to calculate over 600 tables. It is now in the Science Museum.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences, Paris Exhibition Medal of Honour (jointly with Edvard) 1856. Annual pension of 1,200 marks per annum awarded by King Carl XV 1860.
    1825, "Kranpunpar. George Scheutz's patent of 14 Nov 1825", Journal for Manufacturer och Hushallning 8.
    ellemême, Stockholm.
    Further Reading
    R.C.Archibald, 1947, "P.G.Scheutz, publicist, author, scientific mechanic and Edvard Scheutz, engineer. Biography and Bibliography", MTAC 238.
    U.C.Merzbach, 1977, "George Scheutz and the first printing calculator", Smithsonian
    Studies in History and Technology 36:73.
    M.Lindgren, 1990, Glory and Failure (the Difference Engines of Johan Muller, Charles Babbage and George \& Edvard Scheutz), Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

    Biographical history of technology > Scheutz, George

  • 9 Nobel, Immanuel

    b. 1801 Gävle, Sweden
    d. 3 September 1872 Stockholm, Sweden
    Swedish inventor and industrialist, particularly noted for his work on mines and explosives.
    The son of a barber-surgeon who deserted his family to serve in the Swedish army, Nobel showed little interest in academic pursuits as a child and was sent to sea at the age of 16, but jumped ship in Egypt and was eventually employed as an architect by the pasha. Returning to Sweden, he won a scholarship to the Stockholm School of Architecture, where he studied from 1821 to 1825 and was awarded a number of prizes. His interest then leaned towards mechanical matters and he transferred to the Stockholm School of Engineering. Designs for linen-finishing machines won him a prize there, and he also patented a means of transforming rotary into reciprocating movement. He then entered the real-estate business and was successful until a fire in 1833 destroyed his house and everything he owned. By this time he had married and had two sons, with a third, Alfred (of Nobel Prize fame; see Alfred Nobel), on the way. Moving to more modest quarters on the outskirts of Stockholm, Immanuel resumed his inventions, concentrating largely on India rubber, which he applied to surgical instruments and military equipment, including a rubber knapsack.
    It was talk of plans to construct a canal at Suez that first excited his interest in explosives. He saw them as a means of making mining more efficient and began to experiment in his backyard. However, this made him unpopular with his neighbours, and the city authorities ordered him to cease his investigations. By this time he was deeply in debt and in 1837 moved to Finland, leaving his family in Stockholm. He hoped to interest the Russians in land and sea mines and, after some four years, succeeded in obtaining financial backing from the Ministry of War, enabling him to set up a foundry and arms factory in St Petersburg and to bring his family over. By 1850 he was clear of debt in Sweden and had begun to acquire a high reputation as an inventor and industrialist. His invention of the horned contact mine was to be the basic pattern of the sea mine for almost the next 100 years, but he also created and manufactured a central-heating system based on hot-water pipes. His three sons, Ludwig, Robert and Alfred, had now joined him in his business, but even so the outbreak of war with Britain and France in the Crimea placed severe pressures on him. The Russians looked to him to convert their navy from sail to steam, even though he had no experience in naval propulsion, but the aftermath of the Crimean War brought financial ruin once more to Immanuel. Amongst the reforms brought in by Tsar Alexander II was a reliance on imports to equip the armed forces, so all domestic arms contracts were abruptly cancelled, including those being undertaken by Nobel. Unable to raise money from the banks, Immanuel was forced to declare himself bankrupt and leave Russia for his native Sweden. Nobel then reverted to his study of explosives, particularly of how to adapt the then highly unstable nitroglycerine, which had first been developed by Ascanio Sobrero in 1847, for blasting and mining. Nobel believed that this could be done by mixing it with gunpowder, but could not establish the right proportions. His son Alfred pursued the matter semi-independently and eventually evolved the principle of the primary charge (and through it created the blasting cap), having taken out a patent for a nitroglycerine product in his own name; the eventual result of this was called dynamite. Father and son eventually fell out over Alfred's independent line, but worse was to follow. In September 1864 Immanuel's youngest son, Oscar, then studying chemistry at Uppsala University, was killed in an explosion in Alfred's laboratory: Immanuel suffered a stroke, but this only temporarily incapacitated him, and he continued to put forward new ideas. These included making timber a more flexible material through gluing crossed veneers under pressure and bending waste timber under steam, a concept which eventually came to fruition in the form of plywood.
    In 1868 Immanuel and Alfred were jointly awarded the prestigious Letterstedt Prize for their work on explosives, but Alfred never for-gave his father for retaining the medal without offering it to him.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Imperial Gold Medal (Russia) 1853. Swedish Academy of Science Letterstedt Prize (jointly with son Alfred) 1868.
    Immanuel Nobel produced a short handwritten account of his early life 1813–37, which is now in the possession of one of his descendants. He also had published three short books during the last decade of his life— Cheap Defence of the Country's Roads (on land mines), Cheap Defence of the Archipelagos (on sea mines), and Proposal for the Country's Defence (1871)—as well as his pamphlet (1870) on making wood a more physically flexible product.
    Further Reading
    No biographies of Immanuel Nobel exist, but his life is detailed in a number of books on his son Alfred.

    Biographical history of technology > Nobel, Immanuel

  • 10 acoger

    1 to welcome (recibir) (person).
    El hotel acogió a sus huéspedes The hotel welcomed its guests.
    2 to take in (dar refugio a).
    Suecia acogió a los refugiados políticos Sweden took in the political refugees
    que Dios lo/la acoja en su seno God rest his/her soul
    3 to accept, to buy into, to admit.
    Mario acogió nuestra ayuda Mario accepted our help.
    4 to shelter, to protect, to take in.
    El viejo acogió al chico anoche The old man sheltered the boy last night.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ PROTEGER], like link=proteger proteger
    1 (recibir) to receive; (a invitado) to welcome
    2 (admitir) to admit, accept
    3 (proteger) to shelter, protect
    4 (ideas etc) to accept, take to
    1 (refugiarse) to take refuge (a, in)
    2 (a una ley etc) to have recourse to; (amnistía, promesa) to avail oneself of
    * * *
    1) to take in, receive, welcome
    2) host
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=albergar) [+ huésped, refugiado] to take in; [+ visitante] to receive; [+ fugitivo] to harbour, harbor (EEUU), shelter

    niños acogidos en centros públicoschildren housed o accommodated in public centres

    2) (=recibir) [+ noticia, idea, propuesta] to receive

    acogieron la noticia con sorpresa — they were surprised at the news, they received the news with surprise

    3) (=ser sede de) [ciudad] to host; [edificio, auditorio] to be the venue for
    4) (=contener)
    a) [+ espectadores] to seat, hold
    b) [+ obras]

    los pasillos del nuevo centro acogerán una exposición fotográfica — the corridors of the new centre will accommodate a photographic exhibition

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) <huérfano/anciano> to take in; < refugiado> to accept, admit
    2) (+ compl) <propuesta/persona> to receive
    acogerse v pron

    acogerse a algo a la ley to have recourse to something; a un régimen to opt for something

    * * *
    = greet, welcome.
    Ex. New editions of DC are invariably greeted with cries of horror by libraries faced with this problem.
    Ex. The decision to revert to standard spelling must have been widely welcomed in countries where DC is used but English is not the native language.
    * acoger bajo la representación de Uno = bring under + Posesivo + umbrella.
    * acoger bajo la tutela de Uno = bring under + Posesivo + umbrella.
    * acoger bien = welcome.
    * acoger con ahínco la idea de = seize upon + the idea of.
    * acoger con entusiasmo = greet + warmly.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) <huérfano/anciano> to take in; < refugiado> to accept, admit
    2) (+ compl) <propuesta/persona> to receive
    acogerse v pron

    acogerse a algo a la ley to have recourse to something; a un régimen to opt for something

    * * *
    = greet, welcome.

    Ex: New editions of DC are invariably greeted with cries of horror by libraries faced with this problem.

    Ex: The decision to revert to standard spelling must have been widely welcomed in countries where DC is used but English is not the native language.
    * acoger bajo la representación de Uno = bring under + Posesivo + umbrella.
    * acoger bajo la tutela de Uno = bring under + Posesivo + umbrella.
    * acoger bien = welcome.
    * acoger con ahínco la idea de = seize upon + the idea of.
    * acoger con entusiasmo = greet + warmly.

    * * *
    acoger [E6 ]
    A (dar refugio a, albergar) ‹huérfano/anciano› to take in
    nos acogió en su casa he took us in
    Italia acogió a 5.000 refugiados Italy gave refuge to o accepted o admitted 5,000 refugees
    estos hoteles acogen a miles de turistas these hotels cater for o provide accommodation for thousands of tourists
    que el Señor lo acoja en su seno may the Lord receive his Spirit
    B (+ compl) ‹propuesta/idea› to receive; ‹persona› to receive
    la noticia fue acogida con gran satisfacción the news was very well received
    fue acogido con grandes ovaciones it was received with great applause
    me acogieron con cortesía they received me politely
    acogerse A algo:
    se acogieron a la ley they had recourse to the law
    me acogí a su protección I turned to them for protection, I availed myself of their protection
    se acogió al régimen de jornada reducida he opted for the shorter working day, he took advantage of o accepted the option of working a shorter day
    se acogieron a la amnistía they accepted the offer of an amnesty
    * * *


    acoger ( conjugate acoger) verbo transitivo
    a)huérfano/anciano to take in;

    refugiado to accept, admit
    b)propuesta/persona to receive;

    acogerse verbo pronominal acogerse a algo ‹ a la ley› to have recourse to sth;
    a un régimen› to opt for sth
    acoger verbo transitivo
    1 (recibir un proyecto, a una persona) to receive: la idea fue acogida con escepticismo, the idea was received with scepticism
    2 (admitir a alguien o algo con alegría) to welcome: nos acogieron con mucho cariño, they welcomed us warmly
    3 (proteger) to take in: acogieron a una familia de refugiados en su casa, they have taken in a family of refugees
    ' acoger' also found in these entries:
    - asilar
    - greet
    - receive
    - shelter
    - take in
    - welcome
    * * *
    1. [recibir] [persona] to welcome;
    nos acogieron en su propia casa they welcomed us into their own home
    2. [recibir] [idea, noticia] to receive;
    el plan fue acogido con mucho entusiasmo the plan was very enthusiastically received;
    los trabajadores acogieron con escepticismo el anuncio de la empresa the workforce reacted sceptically to the company's announcement
    3. [dar refugio a] to take in;
    Suecia acogió a los refugiados políticos Sweden took in the political refugees;
    que Dios la acoja en su seno God rest her soul
    4. [adoptar temporalmente] [niño] to foster
    * * *
    1 receive;
    2 en casa take in, put up
    * * *
    acoger {15} vt
    1) refugiar: to take in, to shelter
    2) : to receive, to welcome
    * * *
    acoger vb
    1. (dar refugio a) to take in [pt. took; pp. taken]
    2. (recibir) to welcome

    Spanish-English dictionary > acoger

  • 11 representar

    1 to represent.
    este cuadro representa la Última Cena this painting depicts the Last Supper
    Ellos representan campiñas They depict fields.
    María representa a la madrastra Mary plays the part of the stepmom.
    Esto representa lo malo This represents the bad.
    representa a varios artistas she acts as an agent for several artists
    3 to look.
    representa unos 40 años she looks about 40
    4 to mean.
    representa el 50 por ciento del consumo interno it accounts for 50 percent of domestic consumption
    representa mucho para él it means a lot to him
    5 to perform (Teatro) (función).
    6 to act out, to represent, to act.
    Ella representó bien esa escena She acted the scene out very well.
    7 to act in someone's representation, to represent, to act in behalf of, to act in representation of.
    María representa a Ricardo Mary acts in John's representation.
    * * *
    1 (gen) to represent
    2 (símbolo) to represent, stand for
    3 TEATRO (obra) to perform; (papel) to play (the part of)
    4 (aparentar) to appear to be, look
    5 (importar) to mean
    1 (imaginarse) to imagine, picture
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=actuar en nombre de) [+ país, votantes] to represent; [+ cliente, acusado] to act for, represent
    2) (=simbolizar) to symbolize, represent
    3) (=reproducir) to depict

    nuevas formas de representar el mundonew ways of representing o portraying o depicting the world

    4) (=equivaler a) [+ porcentaje, mejora, peligro] to represent; [+ amenaza] to pose, represent

    obtuvieron unos beneficios de 1,7 billones, lo que representa un incremento del 28% sobre el año pasado — they made profits of 1.7 billion, which represents an increase of 28% on last year

    los bantúes representan el 70% de los habitantes de Suráfrica — the Bantu account for o represent 70% of the inhabitants of South Africa

    5) (=requerir) [+ trabajo, esfuerzo, sacrificio] to involve
    6) (Teat) [+ obra] to perform; [+ papel] to play

    ¿quién va a representar el papel que tenía antes la URSS? — who's going to play the part o role previously played by the USSR?

    7) (=aparentar) [+ edad] to look
    8) (=hacer imaginar) to point out
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) <persona/organización/país> to represent
    2) < obra> to perform, put on
    3) ( aparentar) to look
    4) ( simbolizar) to symbolize
    5) ( reproducir) dibujo/fotografía/escena to show, depict; obra/novela to portray, depict
    6) (equivaler a, significar) to represent

    esto representa un aumento del 5% — this represents a 5% increase

    representarse v pron to picture, imagine
    * * *
    = account for, act out, become + cast, depict, depict, embody, package, represent, stage, stand for, render, portray, symbolise [symbolize, -USA], enact, dramatise [dramatize, -USA], plot, chart, map, incarnate, stand as, betoken, picture, construct, encapsulate.
    Ex. The major four categories of physical forms outlined so far account for most of the published indexes and catalogues.
    Ex. The use of the form connotes peculiarity (the people so described are acting out a somewhat inappropriate role) and passiveness (they are not actively participating in that role).
    Ex. Any action that is repeated frequently become cast into a pattern which can be reproduced with an economy of effort which, ipso facto, is apprehended by its performer as a pattern.
    Ex. Trial procedures aiming to increase service recognition and service usage, and the evaluation thereof, are then depicted.
    Ex. A globe is a model of a celestial body, usually the earth or the celestial sphere, depicted on the surface of a sphere.
    Ex. In alphabetical indexing languages, such as are embodied in thesauri and subject headings lists, subject terms are the alphabetical names of the subjects.
    Ex. Documents rarely exactly match a user's requirements because information can be packaged in almost as many different ways as there are participants in a subject area.
    Ex. Cartographic materials are, according to AACR2, all the materials that represent, in whole or in part, the earth or any celestial body.
    Ex. Book shops also participated by staging similar special features.
    Ex. MARC stands for Machine Readable Cataloguing.
    Ex. The eventuality is, admittedly, remote but it is also necessary to render the imprint statement in this amount of detail.
    Ex. Hardy had a tragic vision of life and that indeed is what the novels portray.
    Ex. The library symbolises freedom for the reader to pursue his own desires, however inchoate.
    Ex. The author describes how, as a teacher, she introduced pre-school children to books by reading to them, and developed older children's critical interest by reading, discussing and enacting popular fables.
    Ex. This article describes how a group of 12-18 teenage volunteers formed a group to dramatise children's books for young children and their parents at a public library.
    Ex. The technique 'Trend Projection' graphically plots future trends based on past experience.
    Ex. This article describes how Australia was depicted on early maps of the world charted by the Portuguese and Dutch seafarers from 1452 to the present day.
    Ex. Defining a revolution in progress is like mapping the lava flow from an active volcano well nigh impossible and extremely dangerous.
    Ex. For them, it incarnated modernity and materialism, civilization rather than culture, materialism rather than spiritualism.
    Ex. Meantime, our new library stand as as a confident symbol of the importance of ALL librarires to the nation's cultural, educational and economic success.
    Ex. The faintly irritating moralising tone of this book betokens a real human interest, which must be recovered if there is to be a dialogue of real content.
    Ex. In most cases authors pictured incest as an assault against the innocent, but they often saw the abuser, especially the father, as a victim of himself and he is rarely punished with prison.
    Ex. It is argued that newspaper reporting of bigamy constructs bigamists as being a threat to the institution of marriage.
    Ex. The Manifesto encapsulates the principles and priorities of public libraries in widely varying contexts.
    * estar demasiado representado = overrepresent.
    * imposible de representar = unmappable.
    * que no representa reto = unchallenging.
    * representar a = act for.
    * representar con una gráfica = graph.
    * representar en exceso = overrepresent.
    * representar en mente = visualise [visualize, -USA].
    * representar gráficamente = map.
    * representar insuficientemente = underrepresent [under-represent].
    * representar la diferencia entre... y = represent + the difference between... and.
    * representar mal = misrepresent.
    * representar una idea = dramatise + idea.
    * representar una obra = put on + performance, put on + play.
    * representar un peligro = pose + danger.
    * término que representa un único concepto = one concept term.
    * volver a representar = remap.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) <persona/organización/país> to represent
    2) < obra> to perform, put on
    3) ( aparentar) to look
    4) ( simbolizar) to symbolize
    5) ( reproducir) dibujo/fotografía/escena to show, depict; obra/novela to portray, depict
    6) (equivaler a, significar) to represent

    esto representa un aumento del 5% — this represents a 5% increase

    representarse v pron to picture, imagine
    * * *
    = account for, act out, become + cast, depict, depict, embody, package, represent, stage, stand for, render, portray, symbolise [symbolize, -USA], enact, dramatise [dramatize, -USA], plot, chart, map, incarnate, stand as, betoken, picture, construct, encapsulate.

    Ex: The major four categories of physical forms outlined so far account for most of the published indexes and catalogues.

    Ex: The use of the form connotes peculiarity (the people so described are acting out a somewhat inappropriate role) and passiveness (they are not actively participating in that role).
    Ex: Any action that is repeated frequently become cast into a pattern which can be reproduced with an economy of effort which, ipso facto, is apprehended by its performer as a pattern.
    Ex: Trial procedures aiming to increase service recognition and service usage, and the evaluation thereof, are then depicted.
    Ex: A globe is a model of a celestial body, usually the earth or the celestial sphere, depicted on the surface of a sphere.
    Ex: In alphabetical indexing languages, such as are embodied in thesauri and subject headings lists, subject terms are the alphabetical names of the subjects.
    Ex: Documents rarely exactly match a user's requirements because information can be packaged in almost as many different ways as there are participants in a subject area.
    Ex: Cartographic materials are, according to AACR2, all the materials that represent, in whole or in part, the earth or any celestial body.
    Ex: Book shops also participated by staging similar special features.
    Ex: MARC stands for Machine Readable Cataloguing.
    Ex: The eventuality is, admittedly, remote but it is also necessary to render the imprint statement in this amount of detail.
    Ex: Hardy had a tragic vision of life and that indeed is what the novels portray.
    Ex: The library symbolises freedom for the reader to pursue his own desires, however inchoate.
    Ex: The author describes how, as a teacher, she introduced pre-school children to books by reading to them, and developed older children's critical interest by reading, discussing and enacting popular fables.
    Ex: This article describes how a group of 12-18 teenage volunteers formed a group to dramatise children's books for young children and their parents at a public library.
    Ex: The technique 'Trend Projection' graphically plots future trends based on past experience.
    Ex: This article describes how Australia was depicted on early maps of the world charted by the Portuguese and Dutch seafarers from 1452 to the present day.
    Ex: Defining a revolution in progress is like mapping the lava flow from an active volcano well nigh impossible and extremely dangerous.
    Ex: For them, it incarnated modernity and materialism, civilization rather than culture, materialism rather than spiritualism.
    Ex: Meantime, our new library stand as as a confident symbol of the importance of ALL librarires to the nation's cultural, educational and economic success.
    Ex: The faintly irritating moralising tone of this book betokens a real human interest, which must be recovered if there is to be a dialogue of real content.
    Ex: In most cases authors pictured incest as an assault against the innocent, but they often saw the abuser, especially the father, as a victim of himself and he is rarely punished with prison.
    Ex: It is argued that newspaper reporting of bigamy constructs bigamists as being a threat to the institution of marriage.
    Ex: The Manifesto encapsulates the principles and priorities of public libraries in widely varying contexts.
    * estar demasiado representado = overrepresent.
    * imposible de representar = unmappable.
    * que no representa reto = unchallenging.
    * representar a = act for.
    * representar con una gráfica = graph.
    * representar en exceso = overrepresent.
    * representar en mente = visualise [visualize, -USA].
    * representar gráficamente = map.
    * representar insuficientemente = underrepresent [under-represent].
    * representar la diferencia entre... y = represent + the difference between... and.
    * representar mal = misrepresent.
    * representar una idea = dramatise + idea.
    * representar una obra = put on + performance, put on + play.
    * representar un peligro = pose + danger.
    * término que representa un único concepto = one concept term.
    * volver a representar = remap.

    * * *
    A ‹persona/organización/país› to represent
    no estaba representado por un abogado he was not represented by a lawyer
    representó a Suecia en los campeonatos he represented Sweden in the championships, he played ( o swam etc) for Sweden in the championships
    los que no puedan asistir deben hacerse representar por alguien those who cannot attend should send a representative o proxy
    B ‹obra› to perform, put on; ‹papel› to play
    representó el papel de Cleopatra she played Cleopatra o the part of Cleopatra
    C (aparentar) to look
    no representa la edad que tiene he doesn't look the age he is
    representa unos cuarenta años she looks about forty
    no representa lo que costó it doesn't look as expensive as it was
    D (simbolizar) to symbolize
    la paloma representa la paz the dove symbolizes o is a symbol of peace
    E (reproducir) «dibujo/fotografía» to show, depict
    la medalla representa a la Virgen the medallion depicts the Virgin Mary
    la escena representa una calle de los arrabales the scene shows o depicts a street in the poor quarters
    la obra representa fielmente la sociedad de fines de siglo the play accurately portrays society at the turn of the century
    F (equivaler a, significar) to represent
    esto representa un aumento del 5% con respecto al año pasado this represents a 5% increase on last year
    nos representa un gasto inesperado it means o involves an unexpected expense
    introducir la modificación representaría tres días de trabajo introducing the modification would mean o involve three days' work
    to picture
    ¿te lo puedes representar sin barba? can you picture o imagine him without a beard?
    * * *


    representar ( conjugate representar) verbo transitivo
    1persona/organización/país to represent
    2 obra to perform, put on;
    papel to play
    3 ( aparentar) to look;

    4 ( simbolizar) to represent, symbolize
    5 ( reproducir) [dibujo/fotografía/escena] to show, depict;
    [obra/novela] to portray, depict
    6 (equivaler a, significar) to represent;
    esto representa un aumento del 5% this represents a 5% increase;

    eso representaría tres días de trabajo that would mean o involve three days' work
    representar verbo transitivo
    1 (un símbolo) to symbolize, represent: la paloma representa la paz, the dove stands for peace
    2 (un cuadro, fotografía, ilustración) to depict: el cuadro representa una escena de caza, the painting depicts a hunting scene
    3 (un ejemplo o modelo) to represent
    4 (a una persona, un país, una institución) to represent
    5 (una edad) to look: no representa la edad que tiene, she doesn't look her age
    6 (en la imaginación) to imagine
    7 (en valor, importancia) to mean, represent: su ascenso representó una gran alegría, I/he/she, etc. was overjoyed by his promotion
    ese chico no representa nada para mí, that guy means nothing to me
    8 Teat (una obra) to perform
    (un papel) to play: mi amigo representa al emperador Augusto, my friend plays Emperor Augustus
    ' representar' also found in these entries:
    - constituir
    - hacer
    - jugar
    - vida
    - significar
    - act out
    - depict
    - deputize
    - do
    - enact
    - nation
    - perform
    - picture
    - play
    - portray
    - represent
    - role-play
    - speak for
    - stage
    - stand for
    - pose
    * * *
    1. [simbolizar, ejemplificar] to represent;
    este cuadro representa la Última Cena this painting depicts the Last Supper;
    la coma representa los decimales the comma indicates decimal places;
    Dalí representa perfectamente el surrealismo Dali is the ultimate surrealist painter
    2. [actuar en nombre de] to represent;
    el delegado sindical representaba a sus compañeros the shop steward represented his fellow workers;
    ha participado en dos festivales representando a su país she has represented her country at two festivals;
    representa a varios artistas she acts as an agent for several artists
    3. [aparentar] to look;
    representa unos cuarenta años she looks about forty;
    representa muchos menos años de los que tiene she looks a lot younger than she is
    4. [significar] to mean;
    representa el 50 por ciento del consumo interno it accounts for 50 percent of domestic consumption;
    diez millones no representan nada para él ten million is nothing to him;
    representa mucho para él it means a lot to him
    5. Teatro [función] to perform;
    [papel] to play
    6. Com to represent
    * * *
    1 ( simbolizar) represent
    2 obra put on, perform; papel play
    * * *
    1) : to represent, to act for
    2) : to perform
    3) : to look, to appear as
    4) : to symbolize, to stand for
    5) : to signify, to mean
    * * *
    1. (un papel) to play
    2. (una obra) to perform
    la compañía representará "Yerma" the company will perform "Yerma"
    3. (simbolizar) to represent
    5. (aparentar) to look

    Spanish-English dictionary > representar

  • 12 rey

    1 king.
    los Reyes the King and Queen
    hablando del rey de Roma talk o speak of the devil
    (Día de) Reyes Epiphany
    los Reyes Católicos (6 January, day on which children receive presents) the Spanish Catholic monarchs Ferdinand V and Isabella
    los Reyes Magos the Three Kings, the Three Wise Men
    ¿qué les vas a pedir a los Reyes (Magos)? ? what are you going to ask Father Christmas for?
    el rey de la selva the king of the jungle
    2 Rey.
    * * *
    1 king
    a rey muerto, rey puesto off with the old, on with the new
    (día de) Reyes Epiphany
    el Rey Sol the Sun King
    los Reyes Católicos the Catholic Monarchs
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1. SM
    1) (=monarca) king
    - hablando del rey de Roma por la puerta asoma

    rey de armas — ( Hist) king of arms

    2) pl Reyes (=fecha) Epiphany

    los Reyes Magos — the Magi, the Three Kings, the Three Wise Men

    ¿qué te han traído los Reyes? — what did Father Christmas bring you?

    3) [en ajedrez, naipes] king
    4) [uso apelativo] pet *

    anda, rey, cómetelo todo — come on, pet, eat it all up *

    DÍA DE REYES In the Spanish-speaking world, los Reyes or El Día de Reyes is the day when people traditionally receive presents for the Christmas season. When they go to bed on January 5, children leave their shoes outside their bedroom doors or by their windows in the expectation that the Reyes Magos (Wise Men) will leave presents beside them. They may already have written letters to SS.MM. los Reyes Magos de Oriente with a list of what they would like. For Reyes it is traditional to eat Roscón de Reyes, a ring-shaped cake studded with frosted fruits and containing a little trinket or coin.
    * * *
    a) ( monarca) king

    hablando del rey de Roma... — (fr hecha) talk of the devil!

    a rey muerto, rey puesto — no sooner has one gone than another comes along o comes to take their place

    b) (en ajedrez, naipes) king
    c) ( como apelativo) pet (colloq), precious (colloq)
    a) Reyes masculino Epiphany, January 6th
    b) los Reyes masculino plural: tb

    Los Reyes Magos — the Three Wise Men, The Three Kings

    •• Cultural note:
    The cabalgata de los Reyes Magos takes place in Spain on January 5, the day before Epiphany ( día de Reyes). It is a parade of floats symbolizing the coming of the Three Wise Men to Bethlehem. In Spain and some Latin American countries, Epiphany is the day when gifts are exchanged
    * * *
    = king.
    Ex. If only every chair could be a throne and hold a king or a queen.
    * a cuerpo de rey = the lap of luxury.
    * día de los Reyes Magos, el = Epiphany, the.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = be a case of the blind leading the blind.
    * nombrar rey = enthrone.
    * vivir a cuerpo de rey = live like + a king, live in + the lap of luxury.
    * vivir como un rey = live like + a king.
    * * *
    a) ( monarca) king

    hablando del rey de Roma... — (fr hecha) talk of the devil!

    a rey muerto, rey puesto — no sooner has one gone than another comes along o comes to take their place

    b) (en ajedrez, naipes) king
    c) ( como apelativo) pet (colloq), precious (colloq)
    a) Reyes masculino Epiphany, January 6th
    b) los Reyes masculino plural: tb

    Los Reyes Magos — the Three Wise Men, The Three Kings

    •• Cultural note:
    The cabalgata de los Reyes Magos takes place in Spain on January 5, the day before Epiphany ( día de Reyes). It is a parade of floats symbolizing the coming of the Three Wise Men to Bethlehem. In Spain and some Latin American countries, Epiphany is the day when gifts are exchanged
    * * *
    = king.

    Ex: If only every chair could be a throne and hold a king or a queen.

    * a cuerpo de rey = the lap of luxury.
    * día de los Reyes Magos, el = Epiphany, the.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = be a case of the blind leading the blind.
    * nombrar rey = enthrone.
    * vivir a cuerpo de rey = live like + a king, live in + the lap of luxury.
    * vivir como un rey = live like + a king.

    * * *
    Reyes Magos (↑ rey a1)
    1 (monarca) king
    la visita oficial de los Reyes de Suecia the official visit of the King and Queen of Sweden
    los Reyes y sus hijos the royal couple and their children
    el león, rey de la selva the lion, king of the jungle
    hablando del rey de Roma … ( fr hecha); talk of the devil!
    a rey muerto, rey puesto: ya tiene otro novio, a rey muerto, rey puesto she already has another boyfriend, as soon as one goes out the window another comes in the door o as soon as one's off the scene she's on to the next ( colloq)
    yo ni quito ni pongo rey it's nothing to do with me o I have no say in these things
    3 (como apelativo) pet ( colloq), precious ( colloq)
    ven aquí rey mío come here, my pet o my precious ( colloq)
    Reyes masculine Epiphany, January 6th
    los Reyes mpl tb Los Reyes Magos the Three Wise Men, The Three Kings, the Magi ( frml)
    * * *


    rey sustantivo masculino
    a) ( monarca) king;

    los Rreyes y sus hijos the royal couple and their children
    b) (en ajedrez, naipes) king

    c) ( como apelativo) pet (colloq), precious (colloq)


    Los Rreyes Magos the Three Wise Men, The Three Kings
    rey sustantivo masculino
    1 king
    2 (mago, genio) es el rey de rock, he's the king of rock
    3 Rel (el día de) Reyes, Epiphany o Twelfth Night o 6 January
    los Reyes Magos, the (Three) Wise Men
    Recuerda que el plural, kings, se refiere solo al sexo masculino. Los reyes de España, es decir, el rey y la reina, se traduce por the king and queen of Spain.
    Observa cómo se lee un nombre acompañado de un número: Elizabeth II, Elizabeth the Second; Henry VIII, Henry the Eighth.
    ' rey' also found in these entries:
    - coronación
    - cuerpo
    - incógnito
    - injuria
    - juramentar
    - misma
    - mismo
    - reina
    - suceder
    - coronar
    - corte
    - cortejo
    - de
    - destronar
    - disponer
    - fiel
    - infante
    - interceder
    - majestad
    - representación
    - séquito
    - vivir
    - ascend
    - bear
    - court
    - do
    - entertain
    - exile
    - fit
    - forget
    - inflict
    - king
    - queen
    - live
    - stalemate
    * * *
    rey nm
    1. [monarca] king;
    los Reyes the King and Queen;
    el rey de la selva the king of the jungle;
    hablando del rey de Roma talk o speak of the devil
    los Reyes Católicos = the Spanish Catholic monarchs Ferdinand V and Isabella;
    los Reyes Magos the Three Kings, the Three Wise Men;
    ¿qué les vas a pedir a los Reyes (Magos)? ≈ what are you going to ask Santa Claus for?;
    rey de la montaña [en ciclismo] king of the mountains;
    Hist el Rey Sol the Sun King; CAm, Méx rey de los zopilotes [ave] king vulture
    (Día de) Reyes Epiphany [6 January, day on which children receive presents]
    3. [en ajedrez] king
    4. [en naipes] king
    5. [apelativo] love, darling
    * * *
    m king;
    los reyes the king and queen;
    no quitar ni poner rey fig have no say
    * * *
    rey nm
    : king
    * * *
    rey n king
    Reyes Epiphany / January 6th
    El día de Reyes no se celebra en los países anglosajones. Los regalos se dan el día de Navidad
    ¿qué te han traído los Reyes? what did Father Christmas bring you?
    Reyes Magos Three Wise Men / Three Kings

    Spanish-English dictionary > rey

  • 13 Brinell, Johann August

    SUBJECT AREA: Metallurgy
    b. 1849 Småland, Sweden
    d. 17 November 1925 Stockholm, Sweden
    Swedish metallurgist, inventor of the well-known method of hardness measurement which uses a steel-ball indenter.
    Brinell graduated as an engineer from Boräs Technical School, and his interest in metallurgy began to develop in 1875 when he became an engineer at the ironworks of Lesjöfors and came under the influence of Gustaf Ekman. In 1882 he was appointed Chief Engineer at the Fagersta Ironworks, where he became one of Sweden's leading experts in the manufacture and heat treatment of tool steels.
    His reputation in this field was established in 1885 when he published a paper on the structural changes which occurred in steels when they were heated and cooled, and he was among the first to recognize and define the critical points of steel and their importance in heat treatment. Some of these preliminary findings were first exhibited at Stockholm in 1897. His exhibit at the World Exhibition at Paris in 1900 was far more detailed and there he displayed for the first time his method of hardness determination using a steel-ball indenter. For these contributions he was awarded the French Grand Prix and also the Polhem Prize of the Swedish Technical Society.
    He was later concerned with evaluating and developing the iron-ore deposits of north Sweden and was one of the pioneers of the electric blast-furnace. In 1903 he became Chief Engineer of the Jernkontoret and remained there until 1914. In this capacity and as Editor of the Jernkontorets Annaler he made significant contributions to Swedish metallurgy. His pioneer work on abrasion resistance, undertaken long before the term tribology had been invented, gained him the Rinman Medal, awarded by the Jernkontoret in 1920.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Member of the Swedish Academy of Science 1902. Dr Honoris Causa, University of Upsala 1907. French Grand Prix, Paris World Exhibition 1900; Swedish Technical Society Polhem Prize 1900; Iron and Steel Institute Bessemer Medal 1907; Jernkontorets Rinman Medal 1920.
    Further Reading
    Axel Wahlberg, 1901, Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute 59:243 (the first English-language description of the Brinell Hardness Test).
    Machinery's Encyclopedia, 1917, Vol. III, New York: Industrial Press, pp. 527–40 (a very readable account of the Brinell test in relation to the other hardness tests available at the beginning of the twentieth century).
    Hardness Test Research Committee, 1916, Bibliography on hardness testing, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

    Biographical history of technology > Brinell, Johann August

  • 14 Chapman, Frederik Henrik af

    SUBJECT AREA: Ports and shipping
    b. 9 September 1721 Gothenburg, Sweden
    d. 19 August 1808 Karlskrona, Sweden
    Swedish naval architect and shipbuilder; one of the foremost ship designers of all time.
    Chapman was born on the west coast of Sweden and was the son of a British naval officer serving in the Swedish Navy. In 1738 he followed in his father's footsteps by joining the naval dockyards as a shipbuilding apprentice. Subsequent experience was gained in other shipyards and by two years (1741–3) in London. His assiduous note taking and study of British shipbuilding were noticed and he was offered appointments in England, but these were refused and he returned to Sweden in 1744 and for a while operated as a ship repairer in partnership with a man called Bagge. In 1749 he started out on his own. He began with a period of study in Stockholm and in London, where he worked for a while under Thomas Simpson, and then went on to France and the Netherlands. During his time in England he learned the art of copper etching, a skill that later stood him in good stead. After some years he was appointed Deputy Master Shipwright to the Swedish Navy, and in 1760 he became Master Shipwright at Sveaborg (now Suomenlinna), the fortress island of Helsinki. There Chapman excelled by designing the coastal defence or skerry fleet that to this day is accepted as beautiful and fit for purpose. He understood the limitations of ship design and throughout his life strove to improve shipbuilding by using the advances in mathematics and science that were then being made. His contribution to the rationalization of thought in ship theory cannot be overemphasized.
    In 1764 he became Chief Shipbuilder to the Swedish Navy, with particular responsibility for Karlskrona and for Stockholm. He assisted in the new rules for the classification of warships and later introduced standardization to the naval dockyards. He continued to rise in rank and reputation until his retirement in 1793, but to the end his judgement was sought on many matters concerning not only ship design but also the administration of the then powerful Swedish Navy.
    His most important bequest to his profession is the great book Architectura Navalis Mercatoria, first published in 1768. Later editions were larger and contained additional material. This volume remains one of the most significant works on shipbuilding.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Knighted 1772. Rear Admiral 1783, Vice-Admiral 1791.
    1768, Architecture Navalis Mercatoria; 1975, pub. in English, trans. Adlard Coles. 1775, Tractat om Skepps-Buggeriet.
    Further Reading
    D.G.Harris, 1989, F.H.Chapman, the First Naval Architect and His Work, London: Conway (an excellent biography).

    Biographical history of technology > Chapman, Frederik Henrik af

  • 15 Johansson, Carl Edvard

    b. 15 March 1864 Orebro, Sweden
    d. 30 September 1943 Eskilstuna, Sweden
    Swedish metrologist and inventor of measuring-gauge blocks.
    Carl Edvard Johansson was first apprenticed to a shoemaker, but he soon abandoned that career. In 1882 he went to America to join his brother Arvid working at a sawmill in the summer; in winter the brothers obtained further general education at the Gustavus Adolphus College at St Peter, Minnesota. They returned to Sweden in November 1884 and in the following year Carl obtained employment with a small engineering firm which rented a workshop in the government small-arms factory at Eskilstuna. In his spare time he attended the Eskilstuna Technical College and in 1888 he was accepted as an apprentice armourer inspector. After completion of his apprenticeship he was appointed an armourer inspector, and it was in his work of inspection that he realized that the large number of gauges then required could be reduced if several accurate gauges could be used in combination. This was in 1896, and the first set of gauges was made for use in the rifle factory. With these, any dimension between 1 mm and 201 mm could be made up to the nearest 0.01 mm, the gauges having flat polished surfaces that would adhere together by "wringing". Johansson obtained patents for the system from 1901, but it was not until c.1907 that the sets of gauges were marketed generally. Gauges were made in inch units for Britain and America—slightly different as the standards were not then identical. Johansson formed his own company to manufacture the gauges in 1910, but he did not give up his post in the rifle factory until 1914. By the 1920s Johansson gauges were established as the engineering dimensional standards for the whole world; the company also made other precision measuring instruments such as micrometers and extensometers. A new company, C.E.Johansson Inc., was set up in America for manufacture and sales, and the gauges were extensively used in the American automobile industry. Henry Ford took a special interest and Johansson spent several years in a post with the Ford Motor Company in Detroit, Michigan, until he returned to Sweden in 1936.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Honorary Doctorates, Gustavus Adolphus College, St Peter and Wayne University, Detroit. Swedish Engineering Society John Ericsson Gold Medal. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Gold Medal.
    Further Reading
    K.J.Hume, 1980, A History of Engineering Metrology, London, pp. 54–66 (a short biography).

    Biographical history of technology > Johansson, Carl Edvard

  • 16 fahren

    das Fahren
    * * *
    fah|ren ['faːrən] pret fuhr [fuːɐ] ptp gefahren [gə'faːrən]
    1) = sich fortbewegen (aux sein) (Fahrzeug, Fahrgast) to go; (Autofahrer) to drive; (Zweiradfahrer) to ride; (Schiff) to sail; (Kran, Kamera, Rolltreppe etc) to move

    mit dem Rad fahren — to cycle, to go by bike

    mit dem Motorrad/Taxi fahren — to go by motorbike/taxi

    mit dem Aufzug fahrento take the lift, to ride or take the elevator (US)

    ich fuhr mit dem Fahrrad/Auto in die Stadt — I cycled/drove into town, I went into town on my bike/in the car

    wir sind mit dem Auto gekommen, und meine Frau ist gefahren — we came by car and my wife drove

    links/rechts fahren — to drive on the left/right

    wie lange fährt man von hier nach Basel? — how long does it take to get to Basle from here?

    ich fahre mit dem Auto nach Schweden — I'm taking the car to Sweden, I'm going to Sweden by car

    mein Chor fährt nächstes Jahr wieder nach Schottland — next year my choir is going to Scotland again

    wie fährt man von hier zum Bahnhof? — how do you get to the station from here?

    wie fährt man am schnellsten zum Bahnhof? — what is the quickest way to the station?

    die Lok fährt elektrisch/mit Dampf — the engine is powered by electricity/is steam-driven

    der Wagen fährt sehr ruhig — the car is very quiet

    2) = losfahren (aux sein) (Verkehrsmittel, Fahrer, Mitfahrer) to go, to leave

    wann fährt der nächste Bus nach Bamberg? — when does the next bus to Bamberg go or leave?

    wann fährst du morgen nach Glasgow? fährst du früh? — when are you leaving for Glasgow tomorrow? are you leaving early in the morning?

    einen fahren lassen (inf)to let off (inf)


    = verkehren (aux sein) es fahren täglich zwei Fähren — there are two ferries a day

    fahren Sie bis Walterplatz?do you go as far as Walterplatz?

    der Bus fährt alle fünf Minuten — there's a bus every five minutes


    = rasen, schießen (aux sein) es fuhr ihm durch den Kopf, dass... — the thought flashed through his mind that...

    was ist ( denn) in dich gefahren? — what's got into you?

    die Katze fuhr ihm ins Gesichtthe cat leapt or sprang at his face


    = zurechtkommen (aux sein) (mit jdm) gut fahren — to get on well (with sb)

    mit etw gut fahrento be OK with sth (inf)

    mit ihm sind wir gut/schlecht gefahren — we made a good/bad choice when we picked him

    mit diesem teuren Modell fahren Sie immer gutyou'll always be OK with this expensive model (inf)

    (bei etw) gut/schlecht fahren — to do well/badly (with sth)

    du fährst besser, wenn... — you would do better if...


    = streichen (aux sein or haben) er fuhr mit der Hand/einem Tuch über den Tisch — he ran his hand/a cloth over the table

    jdm/sich durchs Haar fahren — to run one's fingers through sb's/one's hair

    mit der Hand über die Stirn fahrento pass one's hand over one's brow

    7) FILM (aux haben) (= eine Kamerafahrt machen) to track
    1) = lenken (aux haben) Auto, Bus, Zug etc to drive; Fahrrad, Motorrad to ride

    schrottreif or zu Schrott fahren (durch Unfall)to write off; (durch Verschleiß) to drive into the ground

    2) = benutzen: Straße, Strecke etc (aux sein) to take

    welche Strecke fährt die Linie 59? — which way does the number 59 go?

    einen Umweg fahren — to go a long way round, to go out of one's way

    eine so gebirgige Strecke darfst du im Winter nicht ohne Schneeketten fahren — you shouldn't drive such a mountainous route in winter without snow chains

    3) = benutzen: Kraftstoff etc (aux haben) to use; Reifen to drive on
    4) = befördern (aux haben) to take; (= hierherfahren) to bring; Personen to drive, to take

    die Spedition fährt Fisch von der Nordsee nach Nürnberg — the haulage firm transports or takes fish from the North Sea to Nuremberg

    5) Geschwindigkeit (aux sein) to do

    er fuhr über 80 km/h — he did over 80 km/h, he drove at over 80 km/h

    6) SPORT (aux haben or sein) Rennen to take part in; Runde etc to do; Zeit, Rekord etc to clock up
    7) TECH (aux haben) (= steuern, betreiben) to run; (= senden) to broadcast; (= durchführen) Überstunden to do, to work; Angriff to launch

    eine Sonderschicht fahrento put on an extra shift


    diams; sich gut fahren mit diesem Wagen fährt es sich gut — it's good driving this car

    bei solchem Wetter/auf dieser Straße fährt es sich gut — it's good driving in that kind of weather/on this road

    der neue Wagen fährt sich gut —

    * * *
    1) (to control or guide (a car etc): Do you want to drive (the car), or shall I?) drive
    2) (to take, bring etc in a car: My mother is driving me to the airport.) drive
    3) (to travel by car: We motored down to my mother's house at the weekend.) motor
    4) (to sail in a particular direction: We put out to sea; The ship put into harbour for repairs.) put
    5) (to travel in a car etc: We were rolling along merrily when a tyre burst.) roll
    6) (to travel or be carried (in a car, train etc or on a bicycle, horse etc): He rides to work every day on an old bicycle; The horsemen rode past.) ride
    7) (to (be able to) ride on and control (a horse, bicycle etc): Can you ride a bicycle?) ride
    8) (to move smoothly: Trains run on rails.) run
    9) (to drive (someone); to give (someone) a lift: He ran me to the station.) run
    10) (to go from place to place; to journey: I travelled to Scotland by train; He has to travel a long way to school.) travel
    * * *
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: sein (sich fortbewegen: als Fahrgast) to go
    mit dem Bus/der Straßenbahn/dem Taxi/dem Zug \fahren to go by bus/tram/taxi/train
    erster/zweiter Klasse \fahren to travel [or go] first/second class; (als Fahrer) to drive
    zur Arbeit \fahren to drive to work; (mit dem Fahrrad) to cycle to work
    mit dem Auto \fahren to drive, to go by car
    mit dem [Fahr]rad/Motorrad fahren to cycle/motorcycle, to go by bike/motorcycle
    links/rechts \fahren to drive on the left/right
    gegen einen Baum/eine Wand \fahren to drive [or go] into a tree/wall
    wie fährt man von hier am besten zum Bahnhof? what's the best way to the station from here?
    wer fährt? who's driving?
    \fahren Sie nach Heidelberg/zum Flughafen? are you going to Heidelberg/to the airport?
    \fahren wir oder laufen wir? shall we go by car/bus etc. or walk?
    wie lange fährt man von hier nach München? how long does it take to get to Munich from here?; (auf Karussell, Achterbahn)
    ich will nochmal \fahren! I want to have another ride!
    fahr doch bitte langsamer! please slow down!
    sie fährt gut she's a good driver
    ich fahre lieber auf der Autobahn I prefer to drive on the motorway
    mein Auto fährt nicht my car won't go
    heutzutage \fahren alle Bahnen elektrisch all railways are electrified these days
    die Rolltreppe fährt bis in den obersten Stock the escalator goes up to the top floor; s.a. Teufel
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: sein (losfahren) to go, to leave
    wir \fahren in 5 Minuten we'll be going [or leaving] in 5 minutes
    wann fährst du morgen früh? when are you leaving tomorrow morning?
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: sein (verkehren) to run
    wann fährt der nächste Zug nach Berlin? when is the next train to Berlin?
    der nächste Bus fährt [erst] in 20 Minuten the next bus [only] leaves in twenty minutes
    die Bahn fährt alle 20 Minuten the train runs [or goes] every 20 minutes
    von Lübeck nach Travemünde \fahren täglich drei Busse there are three busses a day from Lübeck to Travemünde
    diese Fähre fährt zwischen Ostende und Dover this ferry runs between Ostend and Dover
    auf der Strecke Berlin-Bremen fährt ein ICE a high speed train runs between Berlin and Bremen
    dieser Bus fährt nur bis Hegelplatz this bus only goes as far as Hegelplatz
    der Intercity 501 fährt heute nur bis Köln the intercity 501 will only run as far as Cologne today
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: sein (reisen)
    in [den] Urlaub \fahren to go on holiday
    ins Wochenende \fahren to leave for the weekend; (tatsächlich wegfahren) to go away for the weekend
    fährst du mit dem Auto nach Italien? are you taking the car to Italy?, are you going to Italy by car?
    fahrt ihr nächstes Jahr wieder nach Norwegen? are you going to Norway again next year?
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: sein (bestimmtes Fahrverhalten haben)
    dieser Wagen fährt sehr schnell this car can go very fast, this car is a real goer fam
    das Auto hier fährt sehr ruhig this car is a very quiet runner
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: sein (blitzschnell bewegen)
    aus dem Bett \fahren to leap out of bed
    in die Höhe \fahren to jump up with a start
    jdm an die Kehle fahren Hund to leap at sb's throat
    in die Kleider \fahren to dress hastily
    aus dem Schlaf \fahren to wake with a start
    blitzartig fuhr es ihm durch den Kopf, dass... the thought suddenly flashed through his mind that...
    diese Idee fuhr mir durch den Kopf, als ich die Bilder sah that idea came to me when I saw the pictures
    der Schreck fuhr ihr durch alle Glieder the shock made her tremble all over
    was ist denn in dich gefahren? what's got into you?
    es fuhr mir in den Rücken suddenly I felt a stabbing pain in my back
    der Blitz fuhr in den Baum the lightning struck the tree; s.a. Mund, Haut
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: sein o haben (streichen, wischen)
    sich dat mit der Hand über die Stirn \fahren to pass one's hand over one's brow
    sie fuhr mit dem Tuch über den Tisch she ran the cloth over the table
    sie fuhr sich mit der Hand durchs Haar she run her fingers through her hair
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: sein (zurechtkommen)
    [mit etw dat] gut/schlecht \fahren to do well/badly [with sth]
    mit dieser Methode sind wir immer gut gefahren this method has always worked well for us
    mit jdm gut \fahren to get on all right with sb, to fare well with sb
    mit jdm schlecht \fahren to not fare [or get on] very well with sb
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: haben (lenken)
    etw \fahren to drive sth
    ein Auto \fahren to drive a car
    ein Fahrrad/Motorrad \fahren to ride a bicycle/motorbike
    wer von Ihnen hat das Auto gefahren? who drove?
    sie fährt einen roten Jaguar she drives a red Jaguar
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: sein (sich mit etw fortbewegen)
    etw \fahren to drive sth
    Auto \fahren to drive [a car]
    Bus \fahren to ride on a bus
    Fahrrad/Motorrad \fahren to ride a bicycle/motorbike
    Schlitten \fahren to go tobogganing
    Ski \fahren to ski
    Zug \fahren to go on a train
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: haben (verwenden)
    etw \fahren Kraftstoff to use sth
    ich fahre nur Diesel I only use diesel
    fährst du noch immer Sommerreifen? are you still using [or driving on] normal tyres
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: haben (befördern, mitnehmen)
    jdn \fahren to take [or drive] sb
    jdn ins Krankenhaus \fahren to take sb to hospital
    ich fahre noch schnell die Kinder in die Schule I'll just take the kids to school
    ich fahr' dich nach Hause I'll take [or drive] you home, I'll give you a lift home
    etw \fahren Sand, Mist, Waren to take [or transport] sth
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: sein (eine Strecke zurücklegen)
    Autobahn \fahren to drive on a motorway BRIT [or AM freeway]
    eine Umleitung \fahren to follow a diversion
    einen Umweg \fahren to make a detour
    der 84er fährt jetzt eine andere Strecke the 84 takes a different route now
    diese Strecke darf man nur mit Schneeketten \fahren you need snow chains to drive on this route
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    90 km/h \fahren to be doing 90 km/h
    hier darf man nur 30 km/h \fahren the speed limit here is 30 km/h
    dieser Wagen hier fährt 240 km/h this car will do 240 km/h
    was/wie viel fährt der Wagen denn Spitze? what's the car's top speed?
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: sein o haben SPORT
    ein Rennen \fahren to take part in a race
    die beste Zeit \fahren to do [or clock] the best time
    mit nur 4 Stunden fuhr er Bestzeit his time of only four hours was the best
    die Rennfahrerin fuhr einen neuen Weltrekord the racing driver set a new world record
    die Wagen \fahren jetzt die achte Runde the cars are now on the eighth lap
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: haben TECH
    etw \fahren to operate sth
    einen Hochofen \fahren to control a blast furnace
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: haben (fachspr sl: ablaufen lassen)
    ein Angebot/Sortiment nach oben/unten \fahren to increase/reduce an offer/a product range
    die Produktion mit 50 % \fahren to run production at 50%
    die Produktion nach oben/unten \fahren to step up/cut down production
    ein neues Programm \fahren to start [or launch] a new programme [or AM -gram
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: haben (sl: arbeiten)
    eine Sonderschicht in der Fabrik \fahren to put on an extra shift at the factory
    Überstunden \fahren to do overtime
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: haben RADIO
    etw \fahren to broadcast sth
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: haben (kaputt machen)
    eine Beule in etw akk \fahren to dent sth
    einen harten Kurs \fahren to take a hard line
    einen \fahren lassen (fam) to let [one] off fam
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: haben
    dieser Wagen/dieses Fahrrad fährt sich gut [o mit diesem Wagen/Fahrrad fährt es sich gut] it's nice to drive this car/to ride this bicycle
    bei solch einem Wetter fährt es sich herrlich it's wonderful to drive in that kind of weather
    mit einer Servolenkung fährt es sich viel leichter it's much easier to drive with power steering
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb; mit sein
    1) (als Fahrzeuglenker) drive; (mit dem Fahrrad, Motorrad usw.) ride

    mit dem Auto fahren — drive; (herfahren auch) come by car; (hinfahren auch) go by car

    mit dem Fahrrad/Motorrad fahren — cycle/motorcycle; come/go by bicycle/motorcycle

    mit 80 km/h fahren — drive/ride at 80 k.p.h.

    links/rechts fahren — drive on the left/right; (abbiegen) bear or turn left/right

    langsam fahren — drive/ride slowly

    2) (mit dem Auto usw. als Mitfahrer; mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln usw./als Fahrgast) go ( mit by); (mit dem Aufzug/der Rolltreppe/der Seilbahn/dem Skilift) take the lift (Brit.) or (Amer.) elevator/escalator/cable-car/ski lift; (mit der Achterbahn, dem Karussell usw.) ride (auf + Dat. on); (per Anhalter) hitch-hike

    erster/zweiter Klasse/zum halben Preis fahren — travel or go first/second class/at half-price

    ich fahre nicht gern [im] Auto/Bus — I don't like travelling in cars/buses

    3) (reisen) go
    4) (losfahren) go; leave
    5) < motor vehicle, train, lift, cable-car> go; < ship> sail

    der Aufzug fährt heute nichtthe lift (Brit.) or (Amer.) elevator is out of service today

    der Bus fährt alle fünf Minuten/bis Goetheplatz — the bus runs or goes every five minutes/goes to Goetheplatz

    von München nach Passau fährt ein D-Zug — there's a fast train from Munich to Passau

    mit Diesel/Benzin fahren — run on diesel/petrol (Brit.) or (Amer.) gasoline

    mit Dampf/Atomkraft fahren — be steam-powered/atomicpowered

    8) (schnelle Bewegungen ausführen)

    in die Höhe fahren — jump up [with a start]

    sich (Dat.) mit der Hand durchs Haar fahren — run one's fingers through one's hair

    was ist denn in dich gefahren?(fig.) what's got into you?

    der Schreck fuhr ihm in die Glieder(fig.) the shock went right through him

    jemandem über den Mund fahren(fig.) shut somebody up

    aus der Haut fahren(ugs.) blow one's top (coll.)

    etwas fahren lassen(loslassen) let something go; (fig.): (aufgeben) abandon something

    gut/schlecht mit jemandem/einer Sache fahren — get on well/badly with somebody/something

    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    1) (fortbewegen) drive <car, lorry, train, etc.>; ride <bicycle, motorcycle>

    Auto/Motorrad/Roller fahren — drive [a car]/ride a motorcycle/scooter

    Bahn/Bus usw. fahren: go by train/bus — etc.

    Kahn od. Boot/Kanu fahren — go boating/canoeing

    Rollschuh fahren — [roller-]skate

    Schlittschuh fahren — [ice-]skate

    Aufzug/Rolltreppe fahren — take the lift (Brit.) or (Amer.) elevator/use the escalator

    Sessellift fahren — ride in a/the chairlift

    U-Bahn fahrenride on the underground (Brit.) or (Amer.) subway

    2) mit sein ([als Strecke] zurücklegen) drive; (mit dem Motorrad, Fahrrad) ride; take < curve>

    einen Umweg/eine Umleitung fahren — make a detour/follow a diversion

    3) (befördern) drive, take < person>; take < thing>; < vehicle> take; <ship, lorry, etc.> carry < goods>; (zum Sprecher) drive, bring < person>; bring < thing>; < vehicle> bring

    80 km/h fahren — do 80 k.p.h.

    hier muss man 50 km/h fahren — you've got to keep to 50 k.p.h. here

    1:23:45/eine gute Zeit fahren — do or clock 1.23.45/a good time


    ein Auto schrottreif fahren — write off a car; (durch lange Beanspruchung) run or drive a car into the ground

    8) (als Treibstoff benutzen) use < diesel, regular>

    sich gut fahren< car> handle well, be easy to drive

    in dem Wagen/mit dem Zug fährt es sich bequem — the car gives a comfortable ride/it is comfortable travelling by train

    * * *
    fahren; fährt, fuhr, gefahren
    A. v/i (ist)
    1. Person: (auch reisen) go (
    mit by); längere Strecke: travel (by); auf Schiff: sail;
    mit dem Aufzug/Bus etc
    fahren auch take the lift (US elevator)/a ( oder the) bus etc;
    ich fahre öffentlich (mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln) I use ( oder go by) public transport (US transportation);
    fahr rechts (bleib rechts) keep to the right; (bieg rechts ab) turn right;
    an den Straßenrand fahren pull over to the side of the road;
    nach Köln fährt man sieben Stunden mit dem Auto: it’s a seven-hour drive to Cologne; mit dem Zug: it’s a seven-hour train journey to Cologne, it’s seven hours on the train to Cologne;
    langsamer/schneller fahren slow down/accelerate;
    über einen Fluss/Platz etc
    fahren cross a river/square etc;
    ich will noch mal fahren auf Karussell etc: I want another ride
    2. (abfahren) leave, go;
    wir fahren in fünf Minuten we’re leaving in five minutes
    3. (in Fahrt sein) be moving; fahrend B 1
    4. selbst lenkend: drive; auf Fahrrad, Motorrad: ride;
    sie fährt gut/schlecht she’s a good/bad driver
    5. (verkehren) run;
    das Boot/der Zug fährt zweimal am Tag the boat/train goes twice a day, there are two sailings/two trains a day
    6. AUTO etc (funktionieren) go, run;
    /fährt wieder (ist repariert) the car isn’t going ( oder won’t go)/is going again;
    das Auto fährt ruhig the car is quiet(-running);
    mit Benzin/Diesel fahren Fahrzeug: run on petrol (US gas)/diesel; Person: have a petrol-(US gas)/diesel-engine car;
    mit Strom fahren be driven by electric power;
    mit Dampf fahren be steam-driven
    durch/über etwas (akk)
    fahren run one’s hand etc through/over sth
    in etwas (akk)
    fahren Kugel, Messer etc: go into sth; Blitz: hit ( oder strike) sth;
    in die Kleider fahren slip into ( oder slip on) one’s clothes;
    aus dem Bett/in die Höhe fahren jump ( oder leap) out of bed/in the air;
    der Hund fuhr ihm an die Kehle the dog leapt at his throat; Himmel, Hölle etc
    fahren lassen fig give up ( oder abandon) all hope;
    einen fahren lassen umg let one go, fart vulg
    10. BERGB:
    in die Grube/aus der Grube fahren go down the pit/coe up out of the pit
    11. fig:
    gut/schlecht mit oder
    bei etwas fahren do well/badly out of sth;
    er ist sehr gut/schlecht damit gefahren he did very well/badly out of it;
    was ist nur in ihn gefahren? what’s got into him?;
    mir fuhr der Gedanke durch den Kopf, dass … it suddenly occurred to me that …;
    der Schreck fuhr ihm in die Glieder he froze with terror; Haut, Mund etc
    B. v/t
    1. (hat) (lenken, besitzen) drive; (Fahrrad, Motorrad) ride;
    er hat das Auto gegen den Zaun gefahren he drove the car into the fence;
    ein Auto zu Schrott fahren drive a car into the ground; bei einem Unfall: write a car off, US total a car;
    ein Schiff auf Grund fahren run a ship aground;
    jemanden über den Haufen fahren umg knock sb down, run sb over
    2. (hat) (befördern) take, drive; (Güter) auch transport; spazieren
    3. (ist) (Aufzug, Skilift) ride in; (Karussell, U-Bahn etc) ride on; (Segelboot) sail; (Ruderboot) row;
    Boot fahren go boating;
    Rad fahren cycle;
    Roller fahren scooter; (Motorroller) ride a scooter;
    Rollschuh fahren roller-skate;
    Schlitten fahren (rodeln) toboggan; (Pferdeschlitten) ride in a sledge (US sleigh);
    4. (hat oder ist) (Strecke) cover, travel; (Kurve, anderen Weg etc) take; (Umleitung) follow; (Rennen) take part in;
    einen Umweg fahren make a detour;
    sie fuhren eine andere Strecke they took a different route;
    Kurven fahren weave about (US back and forth);
    Slalom fahren do a slalom
    5. (hat oder ist) (Zeit) record, clock; (Rekord) set;
    wir fuhren gerade 100 km/h, als … we were doing 62 mph when …;
    das Auto fährt 200 km/h (leistet) the car will do ( oder can reach) 124 mph
    6. (hat) (Normal, Super) use, run on
    7. TECH (Hochofen) operate; IT (Programm) run
    C. v/r (hat):
    dieser Wagen fährt sich gut this car is pleasant to drive ( oder handles well); unpers:
    auf dieser Straße fährt es sich gut this is a good road to drive on
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb; mit sein
    1) (als Fahrzeuglenker) drive; (mit dem Fahrrad, Motorrad usw.) ride

    mit dem Auto fahren — drive; (herfahren auch) come by car; (hinfahren auch) go by car

    mit dem Fahrrad/Motorrad fahren — cycle/motorcycle; come/go by bicycle/motorcycle

    mit 80 km/h fahren — drive/ride at 80 k.p.h.

    links/rechts fahren — drive on the left/right; (abbiegen) bear or turn left/right

    langsam fahren — drive/ride slowly

    2) (mit dem Auto usw. als Mitfahrer; mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln usw./als Fahrgast) go ( mit by); (mit dem Aufzug/der Rolltreppe/der Seilbahn/dem Skilift) take the lift (Brit.) or (Amer.) elevator/escalator/cable-car/ski lift; (mit der Achterbahn, dem Karussell usw.) ride (auf + Dat. on); (per Anhalter) hitch-hike

    erster/zweiter Klasse/zum halben Preis fahren — travel or go first/second class/at half-price

    ich fahre nicht gern [im] Auto/Bus — I don't like travelling in cars/buses

    3) (reisen) go
    4) (losfahren) go; leave
    5) <motor vehicle, train, lift, cable-car> go; < ship> sail

    der Aufzug fährt heute nichtthe lift (Brit.) or (Amer.) elevator is out of service today

    der Bus fährt alle fünf Minuten/bis Goetheplatz — the bus runs or goes every five minutes/goes to Goetheplatz

    mit Diesel/Benzin fahren — run on diesel/petrol (Brit.) or (Amer.) gasoline

    mit Dampf/Atomkraft fahren — be steam-powered/atomicpowered

    in die Höhe fahren — jump up [with a start]

    sich (Dat.) mit der Hand durchs Haar fahren — run one's fingers through one's hair

    was ist denn in dich gefahren?(fig.) what's got into you?

    der Schreck fuhr ihm in die Glieder(fig.) the shock went right through him

    jemandem über den Mund fahren(fig.) shut somebody up

    aus der Haut fahren(ugs.) blow one's top (coll.)

    etwas fahren lassen (loslassen) let something go; (fig.): (aufgeben) abandon something

    gut/schlecht mit jemandem/einer Sache fahren — get on well/badly with somebody/something

    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    1) (fortbewegen) drive <car, lorry, train, etc.>; ride <bicycle, motorcycle>

    Auto/Motorrad/Roller fahren — drive [a car]/ride a motorcycle/scooter

    Bahn/Bus usw. fahren: go by train/bus — etc.

    Kahn od. Boot/Kanu fahren — go boating/canoeing

    Rollschuh fahren — [roller-]skate

    Schlittschuh fahren — [ice-]skate

    Aufzug/Rolltreppe fahren — take the lift (Brit.) or (Amer.) elevator/use the escalator

    Sessellift fahren — ride in a/the chairlift

    U-Bahn fahrenride on the underground (Brit.) or (Amer.) subway

    2) mit sein ([als Strecke] zurücklegen) drive; (mit dem Motorrad, Fahrrad) ride; take < curve>

    einen Umweg/eine Umleitung fahren — make a detour/follow a diversion

    3) (befördern) drive, take < person>; take < thing>; < vehicle> take; <ship, lorry, etc.> carry < goods>; (zum Sprecher) drive, bring < person>; bring < thing>; < vehicle> bring

    80 km/h fahren — do 80 k.p.h.

    hier muss man 50 km/h fahren — you've got to keep to 50 k.p.h. here

    1:23:45/eine gute Zeit fahren — do or clock 1.23.45/a good time


    ein Auto schrottreif fahren — write off a car; (durch lange Beanspruchung) run or drive a car into the ground

    8) (als Treibstoff benutzen) use <diesel, regular>

    sich gut fahren< car> handle well, be easy to drive

    in dem Wagen/mit dem Zug fährt es sich bequem — the car gives a comfortable ride/it is comfortable travelling by train

    * * *
    (§ p.,pp.: fuhr, ist/hat gefahren)
    = to drive v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: drove, driven)
    to navigate v.
    to ply between expr.
    to ride v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: rode, ridden)

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > fahren

  • 17 servicio de extensión bibliotecaria

    (n.) = outreach service, library extension work, extension service, outreach programme, reach out
    Ex. The last 3 years while grants were available saw a rise in loans, readers and outreach services, a controversial stock revision and scrapping were carried out and a PC was taken in use.
    Ex. This article outlines the service to all age groups and sectors of the community, library extension work such as reading groups and use of the library by clubs and societies.
    Ex. The article 'Who dare say that the emperor is naked?' is a contribution to a thematic issue on literacy in Sweden and the contribution made by public library extension services.
    Ex. Outreach programmes are costly to maintain in a declining economy.
    Ex. On the positive side, a number of digital library services may be an excellent way to extend the reach out to old and new constituencies and provide grounds for cooperation.
    * * *
    (n.) = outreach service, library extension work, extension service, outreach programme, reach out

    Ex: The last 3 years while grants were available saw a rise in loans, readers and outreach services, a controversial stock revision and scrapping were carried out and a PC was taken in use.

    Ex: This article outlines the service to all age groups and sectors of the community, library extension work such as reading groups and use of the library by clubs and societies.
    Ex: The article 'Who dare say that the emperor is naked?' is a contribution to a thematic issue on literacy in Sweden and the contribution made by public library extension services.
    Ex: Outreach programmes are costly to maintain in a declining economy.
    Ex: On the positive side, a number of digital library services may be an excellent way to extend the reach out to old and new constituencies and provide grounds for cooperation.

    Spanish-English dictionary > servicio de extensión bibliotecaria

  • 18 HVÍTR

    a. white (hvítt silfr); h. á hár, white-haired.
    * * *
    adj. [Ulf. hweits = λευκός; A. S. hwít; Engl. white; Hel. huît; O. H. G. hwîz; Germ. weiss; Swed. hvit; Dan. hvid]:—white; hvít skinn, white fur, 4. 24; h. motr, a white cap, Ld. 188; h. skjöldr, a white shield, Fms. x. 347; hit hvíta feldarins, Fbr. 148; hvítt blóm, white blossom, 4. 24; hvítt hold, white flesh (skin), id.; hvít hönd, a white band, Hallfred; h. háls, a white neck, of a lady, Rm.; h. hestr, a white horse, Fms. ix. 527; hvítr á har, white-haired, vi. 130; h. maðr ( fair of hue) ok vænn í andliti, x. 420; hvítan mann ok huglausan, Ld. 232; hvít mörk, white money, of pure silver, opp. to grátt ( grey) silver, B. K. 95; hvítr matr, white meat, i. e. milk, curds, and the like, opp. to flesh, in the eccl. law, K. Þ. K. 126; hvítr dögurðr, a white day meal, Sighvat; hvíta-matr, id, K. Þ. K. 102; mjall-hvítr, fann-h., snjó-h., drift-h., white as driven snow; al-h., white allover.
    B. Eccl. use of the word white:
    I. at the introduction of Christianity, neophytes in the week after their baptism used to wear white garments, called hvíta-váðir, f. pl. white weeds, as a symbol of baptism cleansing from sin and being a new birth; a neophyte was called hvít-váðungr, m. a white-weedling,’ one dressed in white weeds, Niðrst. 111: the Sagas contain many touching episodes of neophytes, esp. such as were baptized in old age, and died whilst in the white weeds; þat er sögn flestra manna at Kjartan hafi þann dag görzt handgenginn Ólafi konungi er hann var færðr ór hvíta-váðum ok þeir Bolli báðir, Ld. ch. 40; síðan hafði konungr þá í boði sínu ok veitti þeim ena virðuligustu veizlu meðan þeir vóru í hvítaváðum, ok lét kenna þeim heilög fræði, Fms. i. 230; Glúmr (Víga-Glúm) var biskupaðr í banasótt af Kol biskupi ok andaðisk í hvítaváðum, Glúm. 397; Bárðr tók sótt litlu síðar enn hann var skírðr ok andaðisk í hvítaváðum, Fms. ii. 153; Ólafr á Haukagili var skírðr ok andaðisk í hvítaváðum, Fs. (Vd.) 77; var Tóki síðan skírðr af hirðbiskupi Ólafs konungs, ok andaðisk í hvítaváðum, Fb. ii. 138; síðan andaðisk Gestr í hvítaváðum, Bárð. (sub fin.) Sweden, but above all Gothland, remained in great part heathen throughout the whole of the 11th century, after the neighbouring countries Denmark and Norway had become Christian, and so we find in Sweden Runic stones referring to Swedes who had died in the white weeds, some abroad and some at home; sem varð dauðr íhvítaváðum í Danmörku, Baut. 435; hann varð dauðr í Danmörku í hvítaváðum, 610; þeir dó í hvítaváðum, 68; sem dó í hvítaváðum, 271; hann varð dauðr í hvítaváðum, 223, 497. Churches when consecrated used to be dressed out with white; var Kjartan at Borg grafinn, þá var kirkja nyvígð ok í hvítaváðum, Ld. 230.
    II. the white garments gave rise to new words and phrases amongst the first generation of northern Christians:
    1. Hvíta-Kristr, m. White-Christ,’ was the favourite name of Christ; hafa láti mik heitan Hvíta-Kristr at viti eld, ef…, Sighvat; another poet (Edda 91) uses the word; and in prose, dugi þú mér, Hvíta-Kristr, help thou me, White-Christ! Fs. 101; ok þeir er þann sið hafa taka nafn af þeim Guði er þeir trúa á, ok kallaðr er Hvíta-Kristr ok því heita þeir Kristnir, mér er ok sagt at H. sé svá miskunsamr, at …, Fms. i. 295; en ef ek skal á guð nacquat trúa, hvat er mér þá verra at ek trúa á Hvíta-Krist en á annat guð? Ó. H. 204; Arnljótr svarar, heyrt hefi ek getið Hvíta-Krists, en ekki er mér kunnigt um athöfn hans eða hvar hann ræðr fyrir, 211; en þó trúi ek á Hvíta-Krist, Fb. ii. 137.
    2. the great festivals, Yule (see Ld. ch. 40), Easter and Pentecost, but especially the two latter, were the great seasons for christening; in the Roman Catholic church especially Easter, whence in Roman usage the first Sunday after Easter was called Dominica in Albis; but in the northern churches, perhaps owing to the cold weather at Easter time, Pentecost, as the birthday of the church, seems to have been specially appointed for christening and for ordination, see Hungrv. ch. 2, Thom. 318; hence the following week was termed the Holy Week (Helga Vika). Hence; Pentecost derived its name from the white garments, and was called Hvíta-dagar, the White days, i. e. Whitsun-week; frá Páskadegi inum fýrsta skulu vera vikur sjau til Drottins-dags í Hvítadögum; Drottinsdag í Hvítadögum skulu vér halda sem hinn fyrsta Páskadag, K. Þ. K. 102; þváttdag fyrir Hvítadaga = Saturday next before Whitsunday, 126, 128; Páskadag inn fyrsta ok Uppstigningar-dag ok Drottinsdag í Hvítadögum, 112; þá Imbrudaga er um Hvítadaga verða, 120; vóru afteknir tveir dagar í Hvítadögum, Bs. i. 420; um várit á Hvítadögum, Orkn. 438: Hvítadaga-vika, u, f. White-day week = Whitsun-week, K. Þ. K. 126: in sing., þeir kómu at Hvítadegi (= Whitsunday) til Björgynjar, Fms. x. 63, v. 1.: Hvítadaga-helgi, f. the White-day feast, Whitsuntide, Fms. viii. 373, xi. 339, Sturl. iii. 206: Hvítadaga-hríð, a snow storm during the White days, Ann. 1330: Hvít-Drottins-dagr, m. the White Lord’s day, i. e. Whitsunday, the northern Dominica in Albis, Rb. 484, Fms. vii. 156, Bs. i. 62, where it refers to the 20th of May, 1056, on which day Isleif the first bishop of Iceland was consecrated. The name that at last prevailed was Hvíta-sunna, u, f. Whitsun, i. e. White-sun, D. N. ii. 263, 403: Hvítasunni-dagr, m. Whitsuday, Fb. ii. 546, Fms. viii. 63, v. l.: Hvítasunnudags-vika, u, f. Whitsun-week, Fb. ii. 546; Páskaviku, ok Hvítasunnudagsviku, ok þrjár vikur fyrir Jónsvöku, ok svá fyrir Michials-messu, N. G. L. i. 150; hvítasunnudagshátíð, Thom. 318. As the English was the mother-church of that of Norway and Iceland, the Icelandic eccl. phrases are derived from the English language. See Bingham’s Origg. s. vv. White Garments, and Dominica in Albis, where however no reference is given to Icel. writers. In modern Denmark and Norway the old name has been displaced by Pindse, i. e. Pfingsten, derived from the Greek word, whereas in Icel., as in Engl., only the name Hvítasunna is known, ☞ In Denmark the people make a practice of thronging to the woods on Whitsun morning to see the rising of the sun, and returning with green branches in their hands, the trees being just in bud at that season.
    C. COMPDS: hvítabjörn, hvítadagar, hvítagnípa, hvítalogn, hvítamatr, Hvítasunna, hvítaváðir, hvítavalr, hvítarmr, hvítbránn, hvítbrúnn, hvítdreki, Hvítdrottinsdagr, hvítfaldaðr, hvítfjaðraðr, hvítflekkóttr, hvítfyrsa, hvítfyssi, hvíthaddaðr, hvíthárr, hvítjarpr, hvítklæddr, hvítmelingar, hvítröndóttr, hvítskeggjaðr, hvítskinn, hvítváðungr.
    II. as pr. names, Hvítr, Engl. White, Dan. Hvid, Landn.; esp. as a surname, Hvíti, the White, Óláfr Hvíti, Þorsteinn Hvíti, Landn.: Hvít-beinn, m. White-hone, a nickname, Landn.; as also Hvíta-skáld, Hvíta-ský, Hvíta-leðr, Hvíta-kollr, Landn.: in local names, Hvíta-býr, Whitby; Hvíta-nes, Hvíta-dalr, Landn.; Hvít-á, the White-water, a name of several Icel. rivers flowing from glaciers, Hvítár-vellir, Hvítár-síða, Landn.; Hvítramanna-land, White-men’s-land, old name of the southern part of the present United States, Landn.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > HVÍTR

  • 19 Alexanderson, Ernst Frederik Werner

    b. 25 January 1878 Uppsala, Sweden
    d. ? May 1975 Schenectady, New York, USA
    Swedish-American electrical engineer and prolific radio and television inventor responsible for developing a high-frequency alternator for generating radio waves.
    After education in Sweden at the High School and University of Lund and the Royal Institution of Technology in Stockholm, Alexanderson took a postgraduate course at the Berlin-Charlottenburg Engineering College. In 1901 he began work for the Swedish C \& C Electric Company, joining the General Electric Company, Schenectady, New York, the following year. There, in 1906, together with Fessenden, he developed a series of high-power, high-frequency alternators, which had a dramatic effect on radio communications and resulted in the first real radio broadcast. His early interest in television led to working demonstrations in his own home in 1925 and at the General Electric laboratories in 1927, and to the first public demonstration of large-screen (7 ft (2.13 m) diagonal) projection TV in 1930. Another invention of significance was the "amplidyne", a sensitive manufacturing-control system subsequently used during the Second World War for controlling anti-aircraft guns. He also contributed to developments in electric propulsion and radio aerials.
    He retired from General Electric in 1948, but continued television research as a consultant for the Radio Corporation of America (RCA), filing his 321st patent in 1955.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Institution of Radio Engineers Medal of Honour 1919. President, IERE 1921. Edison Medal 1944.
    Publications relating to his work in the early days of radio include: "Magnetic properties of iron at frequencies up to 200,000 cycles", Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (1911) 30: 2,443.
    "Transatlantic radio communication", Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical
    Engineers (1919) 38:1,269.
    The amplidyne is described in E.Alexanderson, M.Edwards and K.Boura, 1940, "Dynamo-electric amplifier for power control", Transactions of the American
    Institution of Electrical Engineers 59:937.
    Further Reading
    E.Hawkes, 1927, Pioneers of Wireless, Methuen (provides an account of Alexanderson's work on radio).
    J.H.Udelson, 1982, The Great Television Race: A History of the American Television Industry 1925–1941, University of Alabama Press (provides further details of his contribution to the development of television).

    Biographical history of technology > Alexanderson, Ernst Frederik Werner

  • 20 lög-maðr

    m. [old Swed. lagman; the president of the supreme court formerly held in Orkney was called the lagman]:—‘law-man.’ In the ancient Scandinavian kingdoms each legal community or state (lög) had its own laws, its own parliament (lögþing), and its own ‘law-man’ (lagh-mann, lögmaðr); the lagman was the first commoner and the spokesman of the people against the king and court at public assemblies or elsewhere; he was also the guardian of the law, and the president of the legislative body and of the law courts. As in the heathen time laws were not written, the lagman had to say what was the law of the land in any case of doubt; in the general assemblies, at least in Iceland, he had to ‘say’ the law (from memory) to the assembled people from the Law-hill (Lögbergi); hence in the Icelandic Commonwealth he was called lög-sögu-maðr (q. v.), the ‘law-speaker,’ ‘law-sayer,’ ‘speaker of the law,’ and his office lög-saga or lög-sögn = ‘law-speaking:’
    1. Sweden and Gothland in olden times were the classical lands of lagmen, for the whole kingdom was a confederation of commonwealths, each with its parliament, law-speaker, and laws, who were all of them united under one king; see the various records in the old Swedish laws, Sveriges Gamla Lagar, as edited by Schlyter, as also the classical account given of lagman Thorgny in Ó. H. ch. 60 sqq.—í hverri þessi deild landsins er sitt lögþing, ok sín lög, yfir hverjum lögum er lögmaðr, … þat skulu lög vera sem hann réð upp at kveða; en ef konungr, eða jarl, eða byskupar fara yfir land ok eigu þing við búendr, þá svarar lögmaðr af hendi búenda …; aðrir lögmenn allir skulu vera undir-menn þess lögmanns er á Tíunda-landi er, Ó. H. 65.
    2. in Norway the political institutions of the old patriarchal ages were greatly disturbed through the wars and conquest of Harald Fairhair; the ancient laws of Norway too have been preserved in a much more fragmentary state than those of Sweden; of some of the most interesting laws only the eccl. section has been preserved, often in Icelandic transcripts or abridged. The most interesting records of the lagmen are therefore not to be found in the Norse laws, but in the Sagas, e. g. the debates in the Hák. S. Gamla, ch. 71–80, 85–97 (in the Flatey book), as also in the Þinga-þáttr in Fms. vii. 123–150, and in stray passages in the Icelandic Sagas, in such phrases as lögmenn ok konungr, lögmenn ok dómendr, lenda menn ok lögmenn ok alla alþýðu, Eg. 352.
    3. in the later Middle Age in Norway, and in Icel. after 1280, the lagman was a justice, who presided in the court lögrétta, at the lögþing (II), cp. Jb. passim.
    4. in the Icelandic Commonwealth, the officer whose duties have been described above was specially called lögsögumaðr, and lögmaðr is only used = lagamaðr = a lawyer,—þat er ok, at lögsögumaðr skal svá görla þáttu alla upp segja, at engi viti einna miclogi görr, en ef honum vinsk eigi fróðleikr til þess, þá skal hann eiga stefnu við fimm lögmenn (lawyers, men skilled in law), en næstu dægr áðr, eðr fleiri, Grág. i. 2, 3; þat skal allt hafa er finnsk á skr þeirri er Hafliði lét göra … en þat eitt af annarra lögmanna fyrirsögn ( of other lawyers) er eigi mæli því í gegn, 7; Njáll var lögmaðr svá mikill ( so great a lawyer), at eingi fannsk hans jafningi, Nj. 30. At the union with Norway (A. D. 1272) the lögsögu-maðr of the Commonwealth was replaced by two lagmen of the Norse kind, so that in the Sagas composed after that date (e. g. the Grettla) or in Sagas preserved in later transcripts, the terms were now and then confounded, and ‘lögmaðr’ was, by way of anachronism, used of the lögsögu-maðr of the old Commonwealth, cp. Grett. 64, 115, 173, 191 new Ed., Nj. 24, 164, 237 (v. l.), Eg. 597, Ísl. (Gunnl. S.) ii. 208, 238, 256, Bs. i. (Hungrv.) 62, Fms. iv. 115, 176, where the Ó. H. edition has the true reading, being made from a vellum of the Commonwealth time.
    β. two instances are recorded referring to the 10th century in Iceland, where a lögmaðr occurs as a kind of county sheriff or officer, viz. in the Háv. S. (begin.) and the Svarfdæla S. ch. 10; but both records seem to be spurious and adapted to the state of things in Norway, for neither Saga is preserved in its pure original state, but remoulded after the union; see Maurer’s Entstehung des Isl. Staates, Beiträge, 136 sqq. In Scandinavia during the Middle Ages, as the power of the king increased, so that of the old lagman sank, and at last died away. In England it is preserved in the Speaker of the House of Commons, whose very name recalls to mind the law-speaker of the old Scandinavian communities.
    II. a pr. name, Lög-maðr, Orkn.
    COMPDS: lögmannsdæmi, lögmannseiðr, lögmannslauss, lögmannsúrskurðr.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > lög-maðr

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